05: Twins & Holla-Ween

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Hey everyone, or whoever’s reading this and what-not. This is Liam right now, and I’m really extremely sorry because I know you were expecting Zayn, but he isn’t really…cooperating at the moment and we’re currently trying to ease him out of his room.

I’ll try to shove a pencil in his hand, and if that doesn’t work I don’t know what to do because it’s his turn and no one else knows how everything happened for him but him.

Okay, I think we’ve come to a compromise. He gets to write in the book alone in his room, which can work, as long as he doesn’t run off again. Talk to you lot later.


No, like seriously, I do. I just looked at everyone else’s entries and they have a pretty accurate representation of me…

But Harry’s really caught my eye. Like that whole page he took up talking about trees? It makes me hate pencils even more. I’d much rather prefer a pen, but no, Liam had to shove a pencil into my hand.

I’m gonna go find a pen. I know I have one somewhere in this mess.

Well, all I could find was this red sparkly thing but it’ll have to do. At least it’s not a pencil…shudder.

But anyway, I guess it’s time for an introduction or whatever. I’m Zayn Malik, 20, yadda yadda, fanficaholic, blah blah, and don’t you already know this stuff already? I’m pretty sure you know way more than this, like my blood type or the day of the week I was born and the time…yeah, this is where it gets awkward.

The clock hands seem to move faster and faster each day, the sun never shining, the darkness within is steadfast, my eyes never leave the screens in front of me, I blink no longer, for it is useless, I only catch the letters, arranging themselves to form words, words that form a story, stories that form lives. These lives are who I am, they are my future and yet my past, the present that I am passing onto you in the form of this book.

You know for some reason this whole thing is reminding me of those things on Disney Channel…what were they called again? Oh, yeah – a TTI.

Hello, my name is Zayn, and this is the Time I Didn’t go Trick-or-Treating for Once and I Became Addicted to Fanfiction the Same Day.

Amazing title, innit…well, let’s get on with it, then.

It was a dark and stormy night…

Hahahahahha nah. It was bright as fuck.

“It’s bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!” Harry belted, running around the store.

I groaned and shook my head, just staring as he continued to act like a complete idiot. He picked up a costume, looked it up and down, managed to squeeze into it, started at himself in the mirror, then nearly ripped it off as he put it back on the rack.

“Where are the ba-na-na costumes?!” He yelled, running again.

“Bloody hell,” I grumbled, walking off to find the other three slightly-less-crazy boys.

I knew it was a stupid idea. We’d been given permission to go trick-or-treating for Halloween, and management had given us a few hours in a private costume shop to find something to wear. I wasn’t planning on going, and seeing the way these boys were acting now make me approve of my decision even more.

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