15: Locks & Burns

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A/N rum pum pum pum rum pum pum pum man dooooowwwwwn



Sigh. Hello readers of this greatly oversized book that management expects us to give enough of a crap to make sure doesn't have any stains or messes on.

I can't believe I'm here again. What the hell, isn't this like, my third time? What do you guys even want from me anymore?

Well actually, I wasn't given the memo about the stain thing until some time ago because Louis and I had gone to a – okay, you probably want to hear what comes next in the story, I mean only Liam would actually run out of ink at such a crucial part of the weirdest true story ever...

Wait a second - that makes me, Zayn Malik, the almighty king that decides if your pretty little eyes read the next installment of this pointless story that's supposed to 'help' us.

Spoiler alert - it's not helping!

Anyway, I'm being yelled at to start the next part of the story (ugh) but I think it's because they want to read it- yes they want to read it, I can tell by the death glares I'm getting. So because it's all Niall's fault we got caught by the crazy wife that put drugs in our food; he gets to explain the weird and slightly embarrassing story of being put into that stupid closet. If he ever remembers, that is.

But for now, it's my turn to tell you what happens after.

"Is he awake?"

I felt someone poke me in the ribs and I squealed, trying to squirm away from their touch. I knew I had a stupid smile on my face, but when I realized what had just happened my eyes immediately shot open.

"Why, would you look at that," Niall rolled his eyes. "Zayn is-"

"Did I just fucking squeal?" I gasped. I covered my mouth with my hand, my eyes wide as they tried to adjust to the darkness of the room we were in.

"Yeah," I heard someone – Louis maybe – speak up from across from me. "You did."

"What the hell am I on?" I groaned, sitting up from the cushion I was on and rubbing my eyes. "Whatever I was lying on was soft."

Harry snorted. "You're on an unnamed drug that gives you weird hallucinations," he laughed. "Oh, and that was Niall's chest."

Everything finally focused and I noticed that it was in fact Niall's chest I was lying on. He was smirking at me as he leaned against the wall, his arms folded over his chest.

My eyes drifted over to the other end of the closet where Louis and Harry were. I squinted, noticing that they seemed to me miles apart. Louis was sprawled on one side, while Harry was sitting cross legged on the other.

"Guess leaving the lodge didn't help much," I muttered in Niall's ear.

He snickered and nodded back at me. "Damn right."

Something caught my attention and I sniffed the air, immediately regretting it and scrunching my nose. "It stinks in here," I whined. It did smell bad though...like rotten cheese and gym socks.

Dirty gym socks.

"I believe you've forgotten that Louis is in our presence," Harry spoke up, raising an eyebrow at Louis.

Louis scowled back at him. "Oh I'm sorry Harry, but could you remind us of the last time you washed your hair?"

Niall and I had to hold back our laughter.

"Oooohhh!" I yelled.

Niall seemed to be restraining himself from cracking up as he said, "H-he s-said you don't wash your h-hair!"

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