22: Pirates & Reveals

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Today we had an interview about the band and its whereabouts.

It was the strangest thing ever. I never, ever, ever want to think about breaking up the band. Niall James Horan does not break up bands. It's not a thing for me. I've gone through five years with these four boys and I'm not about to stop now. We've played in arenas and stadiums, we've played at the Olympics, we've met the Queen of England – we've done so many fucking great things and to think that we're eventually gonna break up is giving me chest pains.

I should probably get that checked out.

God, I'm getting old.

Anyway, I can't even imagine us not being together. What would I even do with my life?

Like, I can't even imagine not having to write in this book anymore. Our story is nearing its end and I don't want to be a spoiler but -this part has been removed for documental timeline reasons-

And then -this part has been removed for documental timeline reasons-! Like wow!

Oh, and I can never forget when we had to -this part has been removed for documental timeline reasons-. You guys will absolutely freak at that part.

Remind me to tease Louis about when he -this part has been removed for documental timeline reasons-. ;)

Okay. Let's move on.

"Oh my God, I'm sooo wet," I groaned, tugging my soaked shirt away from my body.

Harry snickered and bumped his hip into mine before holding the door open for us to go through. "Aren't you, Niall?"

"So wet?" Louis quirked his eyebrows at me and looked like he was holding back laughter.

"Shut up, asshole. At least I can get wet, unlike your girlfriend," I shot back.

Louis' mouth widened in shock and partial horror. Zayn walked through the doorway, nodding at Harry, before holding up a finger.

"One point for Team Ziallary," he announced. "We're still in the lead."

Liam rolled his eyes, shutting his umbrella. "Oh come off it, you are so not in the lead."

"Uh, yeah, we are," I grinned. "Team Lilo only had one comment this morning, which..." I shivered. "I'd like to not have to repeat."

Zayn and Harry nodded in agreement and I began walking down the hallway, waving at the woman at the front desk. I had my head held high because, hey, Niall Horan was finally beating Louis at something, and that felt good.

Unfortunately, the good feeling didn't last very long before my legs were kicked from under me and I fell on my ass on the smooth, shiny tiles.

"One point for Team Lilo!" Louis yelled, racing down the hallway while doing some stupid handshake with Liam.

They had a handshake? Well, fuck...we could come up with a handshake that wasn't as stupid as their stupid handshake that was so...stupid.

"Asshole!" I called, scrambling to get up and running after him.

Louis stopped running and turned to face me, a small smirk on his face.



When I had finally caught up to him, he placed his hand on my shoulder and looked deeply into my eyes. I was confused and opened my mouth to speak, but he only placed his finger onto my lips and shushed me.

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