16: Boas & Flashbacks

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A/N Hellooo @careaboutstories says thank you for all the #uberfamous and just so you know large italic paragraphs are flashbacks .xx



Aaaaaaaand that's how we all died.

The end.

It's come to the end of our story.

Okay, so you're probably thinking, how the hell are these idiots still writing if they're dead?

Haven't you read those numerous fics where one of us is dead and becomes a ghost to haunt some other lucky person? And then we fall in love and can practically do anything, like walk through walls and creep people the fuck out and do a ton of other crazy things –

Well, that's exactly what's happening now. I'm in love with you. I'm a ghost and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and we can haunt someone together.

It'll be fun.

Okay, in all seriousness, we aren't dead. I, Louis, the man who definitely does not have stinky feet (c'mon now, why would you believe Zayn, he's a complete dick) will guide you through the next events of this story.

"British-Irish boyband, One Direction, were spotted inside London Bridge Hospital. One of their members, 20 year old Liam Payne, was not seen. Witnesses say that four out of five of the band were 'freaking out' and apparently entered the hospital looking scuffed up. Stay tuned for more."

I turned away from the TV, choosing to ignore it at the moment. At least the news stations weren't completely bullshitting everyone. It was actually true; I was just praying that they didn't figure everything out.

'One Direction: Lodge Fire and Crazy Lady Attack Survivors Live to Tell their Story' wasn't the headline I wanted to be seeing anytime soon.

"Oh God, this is just great," Niall groaned, running a hand down his face. It seemed as if a layer of soot and ash rubbed away with him as he did so and I visibly cringed just watching.

Did we all really look that dirty?

I looked around the ER, my face contorted into something of the slightly disgusted sort.

We were the only ones in there, which was a good thing for obvious reasons. Zayn was lying down on the hard plastic chairs, taking up four of them as he stared up at the ceiling. Harry was sitting down beside him, his head in his hands as he shut out the rest of the world. Niall was standing up and so was I, the both of us pacing and waiting for news on Liam.

As soon as we'd discovered the fire we'd done our best to get out, managing to use a fire escape and rush out, being careful with Liam who was still unconscious and Niall who still had  a cast.

My eyes drifted over to the tall glass windows. It was dark outside but I could still see the plenty of paps and reporters out there, shoving into each other and trying to record every little thing we were doing. The four of us had to be careful so we didn't slip up.

"You called Paul, right?" I spoke up, turning to Niall.

He nodded at me, "Yeah. At least that's one thing we don't have to worry about."

Zayn groaned from where he was lying, rolling his head to the other side so he was facing us. "I still want mummy's cooking," he whined.

"Shut up," Harry mumbled, barely audible because his face was currently hidden from us.

Zayn ignored him, sighing deeply. "Y'know," he muttered, "She makes this really good cheesecake...it tastes like heaven and sugar."

"Yeah yeah, that's great Zayn," I waved it off. Niall gave him a strange look before brushing it off as I was.

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