24: Birthdays & Oreos

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A/N how do birthdays and oreos even relate tbh

this is a liam chapter :)))



I don't want to be a downer, but the story's ending and as much as I hate writing in this thing, I might miss it...oh my God Zayn is literally crying –

Jesus this is hilarious.

He's practically bawling his eyes out! I think he needs a bit of help, I mean we're explaining a story of how we almost died and he's crying because our lives finally turned back to normal, for now at least. Someone please remind me why I still live here.

Um...so that was unexpected. Anyway, as I was saying, I feel like I made a bond between the story and you readers, even if I don't know you... Awkward/ I wish I could insert emojis in this book because I would put the crying one and the one of the monkey just because it's cute and then maybe a cake emoji because c'mon who doesn't love the cake emoji?

I should stop rambling, so I'll get on with this story, trust me it's a good one.




"Louis, please help me hang this up," I said, standing on my toes. I stretched my arms in attempt to get the other side on the wall, but I failed and it dropped once again to the ground.

Louis sat cross legged on the floor, a magazine in front of him and a pair of scissors in his hand. "Do you think this picture makes me look fat?" He held up the magazine and turned it around to show it to me. "I think it makes me look fat."

"It doesn't make you look fat," I sighed. "Now, could you please-"

"Woah, I really like my hair in this one! I'm adding it." He took the scissors and began snipping away at his figure in the magazine. I watched with wary eyes as he glued it to a large piece of cardstock. "Niall's gonna love this."

I pursed my lips. "Lou, it's literally just a sheet of paper with pictures of you on it. I don't think it relates to Niall in any way."

"Yeah, but Niall loves me, so." He shrugged his shoulders and stuck out his tongue.

I rolled my eyes at the brunette and hopped down from the stool I'd previously been standing on. "This banner is never gonna get hung, thanks a lot Tomlinson," I said.

"You're welcome." He looked up. "It looks great by the way."

It was Niall's birthday, so the four of us had decided to plan a surprise party for him because everyone loves Niall right? When I'd turned twenty-one he threw me this big party and I wanted to return the favor. The only problem was that since he wasn't being involved, it wasn't turning out as great as I thought it would.

For starters, Louis and I were in charge of decoration. I'd made a banner that, well, was supposed to say 'Happy Birthday, Niall' but ended up saying 'Sappy Bornday, Neil' because I'd gone to the bathroom and Louis had decided to take over painting on the words. Then, since we'd waited last minute to do all of this, there was no more cloth for us to make the banner on so we had to leave it as is.

Harry was in charge of food, snacks, the cake, blah blah, all that good stuff. Zayn had opted on distracting Niall and keeping him out of the house, which proved to be a bad decision because by what he was texting me, things were getting pretty crazy, pretty quick.

From: Zayn


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