11: Panics & Arrivals

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A/N We've got all niiiighht. We're going nowhere. Why don't you stay why don't we go theeerree. Let's take a ride. Out in the coooold aiiiir. I know the waay. Why don't you go theeeerrre with me. too too doo dooo too too doo too.

do you think its possible for me to get 200k reads and 1k followers by my birthday






It’s hard to believe that this is actually my third time writing in this book.

I mean, to you it might not be, but this book gets passed around every day, and every time I walk past one of the lads, they’re always writing something down or adding something to a previous entry.

I guess it’s kind of cool. Except for the part where we have to actually lug this big thing around. That’s sort of annoying. It’s heavy as fuck and we have to take it to meetings and to the studio and what not.

Whenever it’s my turn, I usually just throw it in the backseat of my car, strap it up with the seatbelt, and head off to wherever I need to go.

Oh! Sorry, you lot might be confused at the moment because you don’t know who this is. It’s Louis here at the moment. We decided to make it easier for whoever’s reading, so everyone goes in a certain pattern: Me, Niall, Harry, Liam, and then Zayn.

But let me stop talking about the not-so-important things and move on to what you came here to read.

“Louis hold on a minute, we’ll never fit through the doorway like this!” Zayn grumbled at me.

I stuck out my tongue at him and bumped him aside, grabbing the key from his hand and fumbling to put it in the lock. “The faster we get inside, the less creepy this’ll become,” I told him.

When I was finally able to unlock the door, I quickly pushed it open and rushed inside, Zayn already on my heels. Niall and Liam were already there, sitting on the couch and looking like they’d just seen a ghost.

As soon as Liam saw us, he let out a breath of relief and stood up. “Oh God,” he muttered, “I’m so glad you guys are back.”

“We thought you’d disappeared!” Niall called as he enveloped Zayn in a huge hug.

Zayn scratched the back of his neck after we’d all sat down. “Today has been…” he stopped himself. “I have no words for today.”

“And Harry’s still out there,” I shook my head. “Anything could be happening right now. What if those girls are after him? What are we going to do then?”

Liam shrugged. “I’m not sure if we should call someone…Arthur would know what to do, but then again he could probably just lock us up in a mental hospital since we’re seeing characters from books.”

“We already went out to look for him, and look what happened!” Zayn threw up his arms in frustration. “At this rate, we’re never going to find him without getting help and getting in trouble.”

“But what if…” Niall gulped. “What if those fanfic girls find us? What if they come knocking at our door? What if it’s the fanfic apocalypse?”

We all didn’t even have time to think about how stupid that statement was. We were all too caught up in our sudden fear that it seemed to make a lot of sense to us.

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