25: Camps & Scares

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A/N: woah this didn't take me a month can i just pls get a round of applause wow

some people didn't get the notification for the last chapter so if you havent read chapter 24...read it now bc there are some references to it this chapter ok

here we go, 2nd to last zayn chapter don't touch me



I was looking back at the previous entry Liam wrote before and unfortunately Harry didn’t manage to get the moth off, Niall and Louis were pretty much so hungover they cried when they woke up and saw the video, Liam is still #done, and I’m pretty sure I got food poisoning from that cake.

But it’s all good now.

It was actually funny waking up all normally and then going into the living room to see a half-eaten cake on the table, Liam snuggled up on the couch, Niall on sleeping on the stairs, Louis still hung haphazardly on the pole and Harry missing because he was still slightly drunk and trying to scrub off the ‘moth’ on his stomach.

Harry is actually next to me while I’m writing this and he’s now complaining about how we should all stop making fun of him about the whole moth thing and that now he knows it’s a butterfly that he for some unknown reason decided to get tattooed on his abdomen.

Yeah right. He’ll never live that down.




“Do you guys seriously need all this stuff? You’re only going for like, two days,” said Arthur, frowning as he poked through the pile of items on the floor. “I’m not very happy with you boys at the moment.”

“But when do you ever care about our happiness?” Asked Louis, fixing up his hair in the mirror that was placed in the corridor.

Arthur rolled his eyes. “Maybe when I decided to help make you famous.”

“Or maybe it was when you attempted to kill us,” I said, shrugging and flipping the page in the fanfic I was reading. Currently, Harry was trying to chat up my girl and I wanted to know if fanfic me was going to be able to stop him in time.

Arthur sighed. “C’mon guys, let’s get serious. You’re going camping, not on a three month vacation to a beach resort. Get real.”

Harry was sitting cross legged on the floor in front of the couch, digging through his suitcase in search of some unknown object. “Are you going to tell us why we’re going on this camping trip again? We already went once. There’s a movie scene to prove it.”

 “You’re going because you guys need a break after that video leaked of Niall and Louis giving a strip show,” Arthur snapped, sending Liam a pointed look.

Liam shrugged, not even looking at the man. “Last time we had a ‘break’, the lodge we were in was burned down by a woman who nearly choked me to death.”

“Oh yeah, but that was after we were apparently drugged by her crazy fan husband and were seeing hallucinations,” Niall added.

I snorted. “Yup, can’t forget that part.”

“Hey, that fire was not my fault,” Arthur attempted to defend himself. “The building had faulty wiring, something happened, and it caught fire. Not even close to my fault.”

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