Where Is Jared Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- TIM

At lunch, I found Katie quickly, interrupting her conversation with James, her perverted boyfriend. "Hey what's that guy's name that Jessie was talking to this morning?" I asked frantically. "Umm.... Jared, I think. Why are you so nervous?" she laughed. "No reason, got to go." I almost ran across the cafeteria, bumping into a few freshmen along the way.

"Are you Jared?" I stared at the freak who was stealing my friend. "Yes." His smile was so genuine I should have kicked him right then. I stopped myself. "Hi, I'm Tim." I shook his hand. "May I sit by you?" I asked, careful not to sound mad. I sat down quickly, and to no one's surprise, Jessie sat across from him. "Hey Tim, what's up?" She smiled at me, as if she didn't know what was going on. I didn't want this new guy to steal my best friend.

Aw, who was I kidding, she was more than a friend. I'd always told myself that I loved her, but with a sudden jolt, I realized it was more than that. I mean, I never thought anything of it, until this dude comes along, trying to steal her away from me. It hurt me like nothing else ever had. In one day, he had her. She liked him, I knew. And knowing this only made the pain worse. I should be happy for her, I thought. I was, but more than anything I wanted to know this guy, before he steals her away.

Jared seemed oblivious while I was thinking this, and he probably was. But Jessie wasn't. She knew me well enough to know something was wrong. She eyed me the whole lunch period, but still talked to Katie, James, and Jared like I wasn't there.


I wondered what was wrong with Tim. Ever since I'd told him about Jared he was.... uptight, somehow. It was aggravating. I tried not to care, but it worried me. Maybe, Jared and Tim wouldn't get along. Tim smiled at me just then, and I knew he was upset. I just knew he would never try so hard if he weren't.

After lunch, I grabbed Tim's arm. "What is your deal?" I hissed. I knew he would lie, so I was expecting it. "Nothing, I swear." He said. I just sighed and walked with Jared to fourth period.

Jared grabbed my hand as soon as we were out of the café. When I looked at him in confusion, he laughed. "I just don't think that your friend....Tim... likes me too much." With that, he gripped my hand tighter. His hand was very soft and warm, just like him. I smiled. "Why? Do you think he's jealous?" I giggled at the thought. "Um...yes, actually I do."

I cracked up.

"No, Tim is.... Tim. We've known each other for like....ever." I assured him.

He didn't look convinced. I saw Tim in the hallway, and it struck me that Jared could be right.

Time passed, and slowly Tim got over whatever his problem was. He didn't talk to me as much as before, though. He stopped asking for rides to school, especially after Jared started picking me up in the mornings. Our date was this Saturday night; hopefully Jared would take me out someplace where we could be alone. I knew it probably wouldn't happen, because we'd only know each other for a week.

We hadn't kissed yet, sadly. It was one of the many reasons I wanted us to be alone. I tried to get him to tell me where we were going, but he wouldn't budge.

Finally, I was sick of Tim ignoring me. "Tim, tell me what is going on with you!" I almost yelled. He peeked around; probably making sure Jared wasn't there. "I don't like Jared. I mean, I like him, just not for you." He looked sincere, but suddenly I saw pain in his eyes, reminding me of what Jared had said. "Tim, are you jealous? Just tell me."

"Yes. Terribly."

I wasn't expecting that. "I...I don't know what to say..." I managed. "Well, you could say, 'I'm dumping Jared. I like you more, Tim!' That would be quite okay with me." He said quietly.

I couldn't help but giggle at his expression. "Tim, you know you're my best guy friend. And you know I don't feel that way about you."

He smiled. "I hope you don't think badly of me, Tim. I love you, just like a brother!!" I grinned and jogged to my car.

I caught a glimpse of him, and it looked like a tear was on his cheek.


I couldn't believe this! I was crying over a girl. Pathetic, I thought. They weren't even dating...yet. I needed to talk with Jared.

"Hey, man!" Jared was smiling at me as I walked slowly up to him. "Hey, I need to talk to you."


I stared at Tim, waiting for him to go on. When he didn't, I spoke up. "Hey, are you going to say something about Jessica?"

"Yea, actually I was." He looked nervous. "Jared, I really care about Jessie, more than you realize, and I want what's best for her. I want to know that you won't break her heart. She doesn't feel the same way about me as I feel about her. Even that is.....indescribable. But I want her to be happy either way." He wasn't looking at me when he spoke, too afraid of my reaction, probably.

I thought about that for a minute. I really cared about Jessica. I'd only known her a week, but in that time, I feel we were part of each other. Our first date was tomorrow....

"Tim, I'm not trying to steal her away from you. Actually, I feel the same way about her. I know I probably don't know much about her. I do hope, though, that we can be friends."

"That's...uh...cool." He smiled and walked to his car.

And, at that moment, I realized that what I said was true.

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