Where is Jared chapter 16

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Chapter 16- JESSIE

I lay in the cheap looking hospital bed, still in quite a bit of pain. I was surprised I'd been able to walk to my house for that phone. Tim was behind the other curtain, probably in just as much pain. The doctors were rambling around us, trying to get us pain medication, I guessed.

Tim smiled at me. I smiled straight back, but I didn't know how. I was so down today, what with the killing and Katie being beaten. Just when I smiled, something hit me. Why did I not give Tim a chance? He'd saved my life.

I'd not been able to let Jared go. I hadn't even understood why. I mean, yes, I loved him. But he was gone. Yes, we'd been together for those few long months. But he was gone. And yes, he was still drilled into my mind. But he was gone now, and there was nothing I would do; except move on.

And that, that was what I was going to do, as soon as all of this was over. Tim would get his chance.

"I can't believe I'm alive." Tim said, and it seemed he was choosing his words carefully for some reason.

"Neither can I... I mean, Katie.... It's all so confusing. Why would either of them...." I felt my tears coming back.

"I don't know. But we can't find out just yet. We're stuck in here. And so is Katie. Maybe the cops will figure something out." Tim smiled again. I could see his logic.

"Yea, I hope so." I didn't know why Tim had hidden the fact that Katie was involved. It seemed like one of the first things he should've told me about after being locked in that freaking shack. But he'd waited. Maybe he was protecting me? Nah. He loves me, but not that much.

Tim rolled his eyes at me. I gave him a questioning glance. "What?"

"Nothing just that we're in a hospital, alone. And we're alive for that matter." He raised an eyebrow. I laughed.

"No time for joking, Tim. I'm still in pain, and so are you. You don't know what you're saying. Right?" I giggled again. This flirting thing was annoying. But I took it with grace, and only for him.

"You're right. I'm no good at this."

"At what?" I played dumb, knowing what was coming next.

"Asking you to-"

The doctor walked in, right on time. "We're going to have to operate on your leg, and Tim's wrist. It seems a few bones are out of place. I can't even see how you walked to that phone to call 911." He winked at me.

They finally ran us both down to the operating room and the anesthesiologist put me to sleep. Right on time.


"GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I screamed again. Probably for the fiftieth time. "I need to go home." I yelled. The nurses were trying to get me into some useless surgery on my head. Apparently that bastard had hid me pretty damn hard. I screamed again, just for the sake of it.

I have to get out of here! No one can find out about the murder. But that was a problem, because Tim already knows. There wasn't even a reason why I did it. Well, maybe. But Jared, the asshole, deserved it.

And I wasn't the only one. Man, I hoped James had fun with that three grand that he got for helping me. He sure as hell didn't deserve it. And half of it was taken after I'd told him no. That's stealing, right? But is he stuck here? Is he about to have some surgery? Is he being placed in jail? No.


I got out of surgery before Jessie did. I didn't see how, but I even had the patience to wait in the waiting room for her to come out. The nurse had said it might be a few hours. Fine by me, we still had some things to discuss. Like her dating me.

Yeah, Jessie and me. Together. I couldn't help the elation that filled my mind at the thought of her. It was ironic that I'd never wanted her until after she was taken. She'd been single as long as I'd known her, and I'd thought nothing of it. And when she was dating someone.... Wow.

I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like for us. Since we'd been friends for so long, there was no need to hold back. I could open up to her, and vice versa. It could be the greatest relationship. Or it could be the opposite. She could reject me again. The pain in my heart was obvious, even though nothing had happened. Yet.


I walked down the dull hallway, seeing nothing. And when the walls opened up to the waiting room, Tim was there. I was shocked, and at the same time, flattered. Shouldn't I have expected it, though?

"What are you doing?"

He jumped. "I was waiting on you. And then I fell asleep."

"Sorry I scared you. But why are you here still. It's..." I glanced at my watch. "Doesn't matter what time it is. You should be home. And so should I."

"Yeah." It didn't seem like he cared.

"So let's go." I said. I pulled him off the uncomfortable couch, and took us to check out.

"Wait... let's pay a friend a visit." He winked. He looked to the receptionist. "Which room is Katie Summers in?"

I stared in shock, but snapped out of it. He hadn't needed to insult me by saying 'friend'. Once we were headed to the room, I glared. "Why? She won't tell us anything." I said.

"She'll tell us something." He said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. We walked to the room in silence after that.

Katie seemed to be in less pain than I expected. At least, physically. But I hoped the emotional pain was enough to live with after what she'd done.

"Katie." I gave a cold greeting, and then sat down on the chair farthest away from her. She returned my glare. Tim, on the other hand, he a hard time keeping a straight face. It seemed like he wanted to laugh. It was absurd.

"If you tell us what happened, there won't be problems." He paused. "Well, there'll be fewer problems, anyway." He smirked.

"Why would I tell you anything?"

This time, I spoke. "Because we'll stay out of your way after we find out. We want justice. And because James needs to be put away. You know that as much as we do."

"Yeah, yeah. You'll help me? Again, I'm supposed to believe you?" Huh/ I guessed that was a fair assumption to make, considering the circumstances.

"No. You're not supposed to believe us. But you will tell your story either way. In here, or in court. Your choice." Tim said this with much assurance. I was proud.

Katie groaned, sighed, and groaned again. It seemed she was at a loss of words. After a good two minutes of silence, she spoke up. "All right. Here's what happened."

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