Where Is Jared Chapter 4

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Chapter 4- JARED

I was so exited about my date with Jessica. I was practically bouncing as I drove down my driveway. I hoped I knew the way to her house. I found it, and we were soon walking back out to my car, holding hands. Her hand was so soft......

"Where are we going?" she finally asked. "Um.... To tell you the truth, I really don't know." She just about laughed her head off, while I was just sitting there looking like an idiot.

"You know, I was thinking about it all week. But I kind of want to go someplace alone." She emphasized the last word, as if to make sure I heard it.

"Okay." She seemed easy to please. We drove to this really small park on the edge of town. It was almost scary in the moonlight, but she seemed thrilled.

"This is amazing. I don't think I've ever been here before." I was happy because she was happy, and that was all that seemed to matter for the moment. I stared at her, taking her appearance in, trying to understand how I was falling for her after only a week. "What are you thinking about?" she asked. I decided to be honest. "About how much I like you." I told her.

She looked at me for a minute in silence, and then a playful smile played across her lips. "You know, I sort of have that affect on people." I laughed and pulled her closer to me as we walked. By now we were at a huge oak tree, which looked spookier than before, and she sat in the small "seat". I sat beside of her, and I could have kissed her, but decided against it. "You know, I think you're right. And poor Tim doesn't like that fact."

We both giggled, but she suddenly looked guilty. "I feel bad about this, though. Tim and I have been friends since we were little, and I feel terrible about-"

"Now, now," I interrupted, "I talked to him, and he said we're cool. I mean me and him. So if you're worried about a fight, there isn't a problem."

"That's not it. I think I'm hurting him, and I want to make things right."

I thought it best not to say anything, and just held her in my arms while we gazed at the moon.


I could do this forever, but not with just anyone. Jared held me close, and it just felt right. I finally spoke. "Tell me about you. I mean your parents, brothers and sisters and all that."

"Well..." he began slowly, "My mother past away when I was three, she was in a really bad car accident. So usually it's just me, my dad, and my brother. I love them both so much, but it seems like I'm the only one who does anything around the house. My brother, Chris, he's twelve. He doesn't really ever clean up, so it looks like a tornado ran through there. Since I'm a neat freak, and my dad's not, things get tense sometimes. But I love them."

"I'm sorry about your mother. Where were you born?" I asked.

"I was born in New York City. We lived there until I was about four. Not long after my mom died we moved. I lived in Memphis until just this summer, and obviously here's where I ended up."

I snorted. "So you're a city boy?"

"Yes. Why, you got a problem with that?" he asked mischievously.

"Yes, I do. I've always hated the city. I had to go the LA last summer to see my dad. I hated it. The fear of being lost, all of the crime, blah, blah, blah." I make a disgusted face to prove my point.

He just laughed. "Did you know that you are adorable when you're mad?"

"Yes, I did know that."

Ah, I thought as he finally moved in for a kiss.


I kissed her, and it was in a way I had kissed no one else. It was amazing, and I was disappointed when she pulled away. She stared at me, smiling.

It was then that I noticed her true beauty. Not only her physical appearance, but her personality, too. Outward, she was gorgeous, with her dark brown hair and blue-green eyes. But inside, she was more beautiful than anyone. I knew then that I loved her.

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