Where is Jared Chapter 25

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Chapter 25- JESSIE

I had a peaceful night's sleep, despite the fear that still emanated in my life... fear of a date with my best friend; fear that James and Kyle won't be locked up; fear that Katie hadn't really changed.

And not to mention the fear that my mother would have a heart attack.


"Mom... I'm so glad to see you! You'll never believe the night, well, morning I've had." I said, as I wheeled myself in the front door. I was almost in tears, but trying to be strong and let my mother know that I was okay. Well, somewhat okay.

It took me until I got into the living room to realize that my mom was nearly comatose. Not literally speaking. But she was not in a great state. She sat curled around herself on the couch, crying softly. But the joy in her eyes when I came in faded totally when she caught sight of the wheel chair.

"Mom... I'm okay. I'm..." my voice was cut off when she almost sat in my lap, hugging me until I couldn't breathe.

"I was so worried. I though you'd run off, but I didn't understand why, after that last conversation the other day... I didn't see anything wrong, but I thought you may have been mad at me. And then the neighbor called, saying that Tim was gone too. I'd thought... I thought...."

She was rambling so much that I couldn't understand, but I'd caught that last part. "You thought... that Tim and I... ran off together?"

"No... well, yea." My mom sighed.

I busted with laughter.

"You thought that... Tim and I... and gone..." I said between laughs. But then I realized that it may not have been far off from something that Tim had wanted to do. I stopped laughing. "I'm okay." I said, out of breath from laughing. "But I've got to tell you all the stuff that did happen over the last day or so."

My mom was taken aback from my laughing fit, but she was still concerned about me. "I haven't asked yet, but why the hell are you in a wheelchair? I mean, that was probably the first thing I should have asked... but I was distracted..."

God, my mother could talk like crazy, but at this point, it didn't matter. I was glad to be in her arms.

So I spilled the whole story: the murder, my friends, Tim loving me (well, I probably should have left that part out, considering she'd thought we'd ran away), and even Jacob, and how he'd helped us so much.

And my mother only asked a few questions, trying to make sense of it all.

When I finished my story, she finally sighed. "I don't know what to say about any of this. But you have to go to trial?"

"Yea, in a few weeks. It's going to be brutal." I said. The one thing I dreaded... the one thing I couldn't bear, was telling my whole story in front of everyone. The conversation took a strange turn from that point, because my mother was somehow interested in my relationship with Tim.

"So... you like him, right?" My mom put on her 'young' attitude, trying to get into the teen world. It annoyed the crap out of me when she did that.

"Well, geez mom. I can't talk about this now. I'm still undecided." I gave her the exact same explanation that I'd given Tim. She let it drop after that. And I was glad that my mom knew about my hectic life.

*End flashback*

I woke up, immediately wanting breakfast. It was eleven forty-five. Ugh. Well, I'd still only slept about four hours... probably less than that.

I found myself thinking about Tim as I ate my cereal. What a weird way to start my late morning. He was... a friend, and nothing more, yet. But could he be? Oh, so many questions, so little answers. I let my thoughts wander away from him, and was thinking about going shopping, when there was a knock at the door. A frantic knock, that sent me running. Well, rolling.

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