Where is Jared- EPILOGUE

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Days went by, days when nothing could bother me as long as Jessie was in my arms. We were almost always together, which wasn't hard considering we lived next door to each other. Her mother even got a little worried when I kept showing up at Jessie's house.

I was there in the morning to give Jessie a ride to school; there in the afternoon to come over and 'do homework', as we told Jessie's mother. There wasn't much that we did that you could call homework. We were definitely too wrapped up in each other.

"We really do need to do homework today. I've got a project to do." I told Jessie as she pulled away from a kiss. I eyed her, seeing that homework was the last thing on her mind. "Seriously."

"Okay." She stretched out the word, almost whining. "This is why no one should have to do homework. It interrupts things you want to do."

"Yeah, yeah."

Of course we already had our books out, in order to keep our charade in tact. Jessie kissed me again, with sweet lips, and we started working. I had to write a report on a book we read a few weeks ago. I had about two sentences written when Jessie starred at me. "This sucks." She growled.

"I know. Maybe I should go home..."

"Oh no you won't!" Jessie pulled my hands away from my books and pushed me toward the couch, smiling devilishly. She had me down easily, because this was my idea of something to do other than homework. She kissed me so hard on the mouth that I instantly wanted more. I grabbed her hair in my hands, laughing. This was a bad sight...

And of course, Jessie's mom walked in the room.

"Um...." She cleared her throat loudly. Jessie jerked her mouth from mine, jumping up and off the couch in less than a second. She tried, unsuccessfully, to untangle her hair, straightened her clothes up and turned beet red before her mother could question her. That's when I laughed.

"Stop it!" She snarled under her breath.

"Okay." I said loudly, just trying to bug her. Her mother was just as embarrassed by this as we were, and it was fun to mess with Jessie. Her mother finally laughed, too.

"Okay, I'm sorry to interrupt, but someone's called you."

"Who?" Jessie asked.

"I don't know..." Her mom said. We could tell she was lying.

"Okay, where's the phone?"

"Okay, so 'called' isn't what I literally meant. They need you at the police station. And, yes, before you ask, Tim can go."

I laughed, smiling, and we headed outside.


"Why would we need to go see them?" I said the last word with such hostility, and it made Tim automatically take my hand as we got into the car.

"I don't know. But why not just go find out? They can't hurt us."

"I guess they can't hurt us, but it's still not something I want to do." I said, clearly on edge. I squeezed his hand tighter as we started down the road to the police station.

It took us about five minutes to make it to the station. We walked in, not knowing what to expect. The cop at the desk directed us to two security guards by the hallway entrance. He told us to follow them, and they led us down the hall quietly. The last people I wanted to see, James and Kyle, were in the cells they ushered us to.

James smiled at me. "Glad you could make it." He said solemnly.

Kyle, too, glared at Tim and I as James began talking. The security guards had exited, leaving the four of us unprotected. It sent chills down my back.

James saw my hand locked with Tim's, and smirked. "Got a girlfriend, now?" He asked Tim.

"Yep." Tim remained unaffected by James' taunting. He lifted his head with confidence. "Get to the point, or we're leaving."

"Alright. So it seems you guys are together now. That's nice." I rolled my eyes. "That's great; actually, you guys can team up."

"What?" I blurted out, knowing what he was saying. "You mean you're going to try a break out?"

James said nothing, but the determination was obvious in his cold eyes. Despite my fear, Tim laughed.

"There's so much security here, you'll never make it out!" Tim was laughing, obviously in doubt of their plans. But I felt I knew them better. They were going to try, and that was enough for me to be afraid.

"That's what you think. But there's not much you can do about it, anyway. Plus, don't think we don't have...other... resources." James said carefully.

"I do not believe a word you're saying, James. There's no one, not you, not you..." he pointed to Kyle as he ranted. "...Or anyone else in this damn world that can take her away from me."

I was satisfied with his bravery. He would be getting lots of kisses later. I looked up at him, and he was so rigid, so stern that, in fact, I was almost afraid of him. I wondered if James was, too.

"We'll see." Apparently not. The guards came in, saying our time was up. We left without another word.

There was no way they were getting out; no way that they had other 'resources', as James said; No way they were coming to get us. But I wasn't going to let fear rule my life, and neither was Tim. He still didn't believe that they would really come, but we both had reason to doubt.

Tim grabbed my hand as we went back to my house, and neither of us spoke on the way back. But I knew he would remain bold and determined not to let our fears come back into our lives, and that was enough for my fear to slip away.

For now, I was going to stay with Tim, knowing he loved me, and I loved him, and nothing was going to ever change that. He was my Jared. My first love; and he wasn't leaving me.


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