Where is Jared Chapter 12

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Chapter 12- JESSIE

It had been a month since Jared...died, and though it was sad, I had thought about him at least once every day since. I couldn't rest, not until I found the killer. James, on the other hand, had grown closer to me, at least until I realized he may have been the murderer. I had to talk to him. Tim just had to help me. I mean, he'd already punched him out once, he could do it again. The thought made me laugh. Tim was never a violent person.

I saw James in the hall, talking to Katie, and decided that then would be the time to confront him. I walked up slowly, hoping that Katie wouldn't interfere.

"James," I smiled devilishly, staring into his eyes. "Can we talk for a minute?"

"Um... Sure. Katie, why don't you let us talk?"

She left without a word. I stared James down for a minute, hoping he would clue into what I was thinking.

"What do you want?" he finally asked.

"I...I found your ring, and your shirt sleeve; on the side of the road, near the crime scene." I made the last words seem critical, to make him think I knew, even though I didn't.

"Oh...can I get that back?" He smiled, seeming relieved.

"Just meet me at my house tonight at six. I've got to talk to you."

He smiled, trying to hide it, and walked back to Katie.


I heard them talking, and sorted it through my mind. I knew James shouldn't be guilty, and if he was, it was my fault. I blame myself. I had to be there tonight. But I couldn't be seen. Not if I wanted both James and I out of trouble with the cops.


Maybe Tim was right about one thing: This is dangerous. That's why I was going to convince him to help me. It would be easier if it was two against one. Especially since Tim already hated James. It made my plan that much easier, if only I had a plan.

I approached Tim finally at the end of the day. He looked happy to see me, despite his anger about the whole thing.

"Hey. I need your help. Follow me to....um....McDonald's, or something. I just need to talk to you."

He didn't object, but a confused look crossed his face. He simply got in his car, and we started into town.

I wondered what was going to happen now. My life had turned into a horror movie in the past few hours. It once had been a sappy romance, with Jared in my arms, kissing me softly. Then, after his death, I'd been secluded from everything. My mind was only concerned about his death, and nothing else. I drank illegally, went to parties, and did things I never thought I would.

Tim, on the other hand, had remained Tim. I didn't understand why he loved me, but things didn't change when I fell into a life of sin. How he could love me unconditionally like that, I may never know.

In the last few hours, all of these things were forgotten. I should say, all of these things were the least of my worries. I knew that James probably had access to guns, and this didn't make me feel better.

I finally pulled into the McDonald's parking lot, feeling a wave of relief that I was about to try to work things out. Or maybe it was the fact that the one who loves me was here. This never made sense, but I sort of understood it now. I got out and walked up to Tim.

"I told James." I said carefully.


"Let me finish."

"You'd better."

"Okay." I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. Tim just stared impatiently.

"I saw him, and I told him to meet me at my house tonight at six. And yes, he knows about the evidence." Sometimes it thrilled me to play spy.

"Ugh..." He shook his head, as if I were a misbehaving child. It irritated me so much.

"I'm sorry." I said, wondering why I was feeling bad for his anger towards me. Maybe there was something between us.


The sad way she apologized made me feel fuzzy. I wondered why, and then controlled myself. I love her, but this is serious business.

"Why the hell would you tell him?!"

"I don't know... I..."


"He just knows okay?! I don't know why. But if he shows up, you have to be there. I can't face him alone."



"You have to do this on your own. Call him and tell him not to come...or whatever. But I'm not bailing you out or anything."

"What?" she repeated and I knew she sounded stupid.

"I'm not helping you. I refuse to put myself in danger because of your stupidity. I won't do it, Jessie." I was very serious. I felt like crying.

"But you love...me." She said this slowly, probably knowing again that this was stupid, and that she was simply trying to get her way, and that I didn't care.

"Yes." I said calmly. The way she looked at me made my want to slap her and love her more back all at once. She began to cry.

"I'm sorry. I won't ask you to do that. I'm grateful that you've helped me at all, since you didn't really like Jared. So I won't make you." She turned slowly away, and walked back to her car.

I went home, knowing I'd hurt her, sure that she would never love me now. I also knew that I'd still be there for her, and considering that I lived next door, that wouldn't be a major problem. I'd just wait outside behind my house, and I'd surely some to the rescue if things got ugly. I knew that I would hate myself if anything ever happened to Jessica. But, I would never tell her that. Then again, I thought somehow she already knew.

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