Where is Jared Chapter 11

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Chapter 11- JESSIE

My search turned up nothing for a long time. All I could see was grass, endless grass. Who knew I would suddenly be infuriated by that?

I was about to give up, when I lost sight of Tim. I searched frantically wondering why he would just leave, when he still wanted to talk to me. I walked a few yards into the woods, looking for Tim.

"Jessie! Come here!" He yelled, from behind me. I turned back and walked out from the trees.

Tim was on his hands and knees, in the exact spot (I thought) where...ahem... the body was found. How could I have lost Tim when he was right there all along? I'm losing my mind, I thought.

"What is it?" I asked, still panting from the thought of losing him. Overprotective fool, I thought to myself.

"It's a ring, and a piece of cloth! I just found it here, I was about to give up and get you so we could go home, but then I saw it shine..."

"Great!" I said with mock enthusiasm. I wasn't sure about anything at the moment. After a few ideas were shared, we both got back into my car and headed home.

Tim and I didn't talk for a few days. He was avoiding me, I told myself. That's what I wanted to believe, but that's not what was happening. He was avoiding me, but just to save his pain. I understood completely. I knew he would get it soon. I just didn't think he would stay away from me totally.

I was also concerned about his timing. He could at least wait until we found the killer. He is already part of this search, so he needs to help me out.

'It's different... when you're by yourself.'

I remembered his words. Maybe I could remind him.

I was in the café again, just piddling with my lunch tray, sitting alone, as I had been for a few days (Katie was on vacation). James was sitting a few tables over, talking with some other druggies, who I now knew after many parties with them. Suddenly something caught my eye. James's shirt...there was something familiar about it. I thought maybe I was just delusional, but then again, that couldn't be a coincidence. That color... I knew I recognized it from some where... But where?

I suddenly knew what was up. The very end of his sleeve had been torn. Now, I knew why that color was so familiar.


"TIM!! Hey... I need to tell you something, and quick." I stared at the love of my life, the one who refused to love me back. She looked serious enough, so I answered. But not before I kept her waiting.

"Go ahead..." I sighed.

"James. It's him... the one who... you know."


"James may have killed Jared." Jessie looked like she was about to cry.

"How the hell would you know that?"

It was definitely something I could live with. I mean, James was trying to take her away, and I had already had a fight with him. It was just the icing on the cake for me. I almost smiled, but then I remembered that he was Jessie's friend.

She told me about the shirt, and how his was torn, she then remembered the ring he used to wear, and freaked out for a moment.

"Tim... please tell me you have the evidence here."

"No... I don't." Why would I need it at school? Well, now I knew why.

Jessie cursed loudly then, the most words I'd ever heard her use in one sentence.

I laughed, not able to help myself.


I couldn't think of what to do next. I listened to her stupid blackmailing, only because she knew my secret, the secret I wanted no one to know. She used me to get back at Jessie, and that hurt. I feel like Jessie and I are (or were) friends, until I saw her eyeing my shirt, the one I wore when I killed her 'tough' boyfriend. I had to hide this. I knew that my 'blackmailer' would get me if I got caught.

I went to the bathroom after lunch and quickly changed my shirt. I knew the shirt had to be gone, but I'd have to burn it later.

I still refused to understand why this chick would want me to get revenge on Jessie. I mean, yea, I was chasing her, but only because there was this thing about her that drove me crazy.

I don't think I'll ever understand any of it, I thought as I sneakily headed back to class.

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