Where is Jared Chapter 22

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Chapter 22- TIM

I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. He'd missed. Jacob had enough time after that to knock the gun out of Kyle's hand. It tumbled across the grass. I'd never been so happy for a misfire in my life.

I heard some shuffling beyond in the trees, and looked to see James covered in blood. Man, Kyle kicked his ass. His face was ruined, bloody, and bruised. And yet, James was crawling towards... a knife? He was going to help Kyle!

I ran to where he was and kicked him, hard enough to get him to drop the knife, and try to get up to get it again. No way, I thought. I grabbed his head and slammed it into the cabin's wall. A crack sounded, and James fell to the floor.

I hoped he wasn't dead, but I couldn't worry about that right now. Jacob and his son were still fighting. And Katie was too in shock to help them. Jessie was... gone!

I searched frantically for the love of my life, but she was no where to be seen. Had she gone to get help? Or did James get her before I knocked him out? I didn't know, but we had to find her. "Katie! Go look for Jessie! I have to help Jacob. Go!"

She ran off into the woods, searching.

I ran to where Kyle and Jacob were. Jacob was winning, but not by much. They were both obviously worn out, and Jacob had Kyle in a headlock, choking him.

I wanted to save Jacob from killing his son, but he was winning, and that was what we needed right now. And then I remembered the money. I had to make sure the money wasn't with Kyle or James. Jacob would be okay until then, wouldn't he?

The money was in the cabin. I ran and grabbed it, trying to just get it and go before... Something hit me on the head pretty damn hard. James was still conscious? What the hell? It wouldn't take all that long to knock him out again, from the way he'd been beaten. I swung my arm around and hit his face. He staggered, rolled across the floor, and jumped right back up.

He came at me with a fist, but I dodged and got a few more good hits on him. I'd have to say he was determined to get this money, if nothing else. We fought for a good three minutes, with neither one of us winning. A stalemate. I finally spoke. "Why won't you let Kyle go? Why can't he have the money?"

"Why not? Because it's mine, and he's nothing to me! He's a killer! And I rightfully get that money!"

"Oh, and you're not a killer? Who killed Jared, huh? You, and now you want money that's not yours. That makes you a thief too! And thief, a murderer, a killer. That's you, James, but if you stop now, you'll have a better life for yourself. Kids, or even a wife. How about that?"

I could tell the guilt was getting to him, but I needed this to speed up. I knew he was faltering, but Jacob needed my help.

James snarled. "You're playing me."

"I am not; I'm only telling you the truth. You've messed up your life, but you can fix it. It's not too late."

"You're lying. There's nothing for me, except that money. And it's mine." He lunged again, but I'd guessed on this one. He missed me, and I slammed him as hard as possible into the fireplace. The brick fireplace. He'd feel that tomorrow, but he'd brought it on himself.

I walked out the cabin, holding the money, confident. But when I realized Jessie was still nowhere to be found, my confidence faltered.


God I was lost. I don't know why none of thought about calling the cops, well, except for me of course. But by then, I'd realized that none of us had cell phones with us. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I kept repeating that to myself. Not only was it stupid that we didn't have the freaking cell phones; it was even more stupid that I was out looking for them. By myself. Stupid.

I thought I'd known a shortcut back. If I remembered correctly, which I probably didn't, there was a creek we crossed twice. And by that creek was where we parked the truck. If I could just find that stupid creek...

But then I ran into Katie. "What the hell are you doing? You couldn't have asked me to come along? You know I'm not any help to them anyway." Katie snarled, but it seemed like it was like the old days, before my life was changed. Except we were no where near school. Oh well.

"I didn't want you to come. You can't help me anyway."

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to find the truck." I sighed.

"What? So you can leave us?"

"Ha! I'm doing what you would never do. I'm going to call the cops." Oops. Maybe I shouldn't have told her that. She looked angry, and then she sighed.

"I knew we'd have to sooner or later. But I didn't think you'd be this lost."

"What? You can find it?" The hope, oh the hope that appeared.

"Hell yea! Why didn't you just come get me first, instead of running off?" She said conceitedly.

"Why are we still standing here, instead of moving to find that truck?" I retorted. She shrugged, and started leading the way.

We reached the creek in less than a minute. It was amazing, her navigational skills. "I couldn't have found this creek in time without you. Thanks." I finally said.

Katie was busy scanning for the truck, but she looked at me for a moment. "Your welcome."

I was actually going to feel bad if Katie was sent to jail, but she had done the wrong thing just to get revenge. But she was still the same Katie. I doubted that that would save her from jail.

Finally, the break in the trees revealed the truck, and I ran. The truck was locked. "Damn it!" I yelled. This was no time to be trying to prevent theft. What the hell?

Katie dangled the set of keys in the air. "I'd thought you might need them. Where else were you going to go?" I almost fell to the floor in relief.

The cell phones were in the front of the cab, and I grabbed one and dialed 911.

"Yes. We need help, my friends are all fighting, and we found the killers in the Richardson case. And the Summers case." I said quickly.

The operator sounded stunned. "The police and ambulance are on their way."

I tried to warn that it would take a hike to reach us, but the damn cell phone dropped the signal.

I was satisfied, so Katie and I headed back to see if we could stop the fight.


There was nothing for me to do, except interfere with Jacob's fight. But that was plenty. I ran to where they were still punching and gouging. Kyle had Jacob in an odd position, but he was smiling.

That was the last straw for me. I ran and punched Kyle, knocking him away, and that was it for him. He must have been weaker than I'd thought. Or maybe I was stronger? Nope.

The fight was over.

Jacob crumpled to the ground, cut and bruised, and I did the same. I was gazing at the sun, trying the get my bearings, realizing that we'd won. We'd beaten the bad guys.

And at that wonderful moment, all I wanted was Jessie here with me, to share this victory. And there she was. Coming from the opposite direction from where we'd came earlier, Jessie came out of the dark woods, and she was limping.

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