Where is Jared Chapter 29

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Chapter 29- JESSIE

The snow was everywhere. Oh, the snow. It was glorious. It had been just cold enough for a safe snow, a snow that wouldn't cause too many car accidents. I gazed across the streets, taking it in with surprise.

The blanket had covered the buildings, cars, and benches, which was a good five inches, I guessed: perfect sledding weather.

Just as I thought that, Tim glanced at me. "Would it be too much to ask you on a second date... you know... to celebrate our victory?"

"What did you have in mind?" I asked, trying not to let him know that I'd kill for a date with him.

"Sledding. I know this place outside the city, and it's got so many hills... I'll bet it's snowed more there than it did here."

"You have no idea how good that sounds. So how far is the drive?"

"Oh. We're hiking. It'll give us more time to talk. Hey, it's only a twenty minute hike. Don't look at me like that!" He'd glared at my expression. Hiking wasn't what I'd had in mind.

We drove back to the house, carefully, and within ten minutes, I was all geared up and ready for some sledding. I wore matching gear: A huge bulky coat and sweat pants... both were blue. And, I'd found some old blue boots.

"You're blue." Tim said as he met me on the porch.

"Yep." I turned inside, told my mom what we were doing, and turned back. "She says be back within three hours."

"Okay." Tim looked cute today. Somehow the light shone perfectly over his hair, making it almost glow. He wore a dark coat, almost like mine, and navy blue sweat pants. His boots were white. Considering he didn't match at all, he sure did manage to pull it off.

We walked to Tim's garage to grab the sleds. He had some nice ones. I chose a red one with white stripes on the blade. He chose a black. He eyed my choice. "I thought you'd choose the blue one, to match what you're wearing."

"Ha ha. Very funny." I shot him a look and stomped past him.

"Um... You're walking the wrong direction." Tim said; a hint of humor was in his voice.

I heaved a grunt, turned to the right direction, and kept stomping, still ignoring him completely. He laughed out loud, and matched my pace evenly. "So, what's up?" He said, taking my hand.

"Nothing. Except that I'm so glad we won today, not that I thought we would lose. Just that, you know, it was stressful." I finally said.

"I don't... think we should dwell on sad topics, even if they did end happily. It was stressful for me too." He said. It seemed like he wanted to talk about... something else. But I felt like all the love stuff could wait. Too bad I didn't know how long I'd let this wait. I waited at least five minutes before I could speak and maybe even more than that.

"Okay. So what do you want to talk about?" I said in mock anger.



"Books. Like what your favorite ones are... all that kind of stuff." What a strange topic for a boyfriend (wait: was he really my boyfriend?) to want to talk about. He saw my stare. "Sorry if it's weird, I just want to get to know you, that's all."

"I guess that makes sense. For you, anyway." I said.

"What's that supposed to mean? Huh?"

"Oh, nothing." I smiled, trying to inch away from him so I wouldn't be attacked. Too late. I laughed until I cried when he grabbed me in his strong arms and started tickling me. "Stop it!" I yelled.

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