Where is Jared Chapter 28

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Chapter 28- JESSIE

The sun shone over the courthouse, giving it a homey feeling, although I didn't want to be here. It did give me peace though, so I calmed down just a little.

We walked in the big double-doors, still holding hands, and into the courtroom. There were already people seated, of course. The judge wasn't there, but that was just one less thing I had to worry about. Our lawyer sat on the right side of the court, at the big wooden table near the front. That's where we were supposed to sit, I guessed.

I was amazed at how much this room differed from the movies. It was the same, yet had a better, less sinister feel. All of that went away when I saw who walked in the back of the room. The room went red around the edges, I guessed from my sudden anger and heat.

James and Kyle, still in hand cuffs, walked in with two cops. Kyle ignored me, but James shot me a pleading look, as if I was supposed to feel pity. Well, I had news for him. I didn't. How could I feel sorry for someone who did such malicious and violent things to me and the ones I love?

Tim noticed my sudden flare, and squeezed my hand tighter. There was no one else I'd rather be here with than him. He just didn't know that yet.

'Focus, Jessie, focus.' I told myself. 'You can't think about love right now...it'll mess with you in ways you won't understand.'

I watched the room around me, and pretended that I didn't love Tim. I acted as if I didn't want him to hold me in his arms and kiss me...

The judge walked in. He was a burly man, short and chubby, with a surprisingly handsome face. It seemed that if he would lose weight, he'd be very good looking. He smirked at the audience, as if he'd done this a thousand times before, which...he probably had. I looked around too, seeing familiar faces... people from school, my mom, Katie's mom, but Tim's mom wasn't there. That must've been what she'd called him about.

It seemed that everyone came out to support us. I felt a sudden flash of pride, a feeling that there was no way we were losing this. I shot my mom a look, and she shot a worried glance back.

I finally faced the front of the room with confidence, and the bailiff did the usual thing...

"All rise for the honorable Judge Tonnesen."

We stood and were seated quickly. Apparently they wanted to get on with this. And so the questioning began. Our lawyer, Mr. Ferguson, I had to admit, was pretty damn good. He placed Kyle up first, knowing he was the most accountable. I didn't know anything about law, but I knew that was a good choice.

Kyle walked up to the stand, smirking. Boy, this wasn't going very far at all. If Kyle kept that up, they might as well usher him straight to jail from the courtroom. Mr. Ferguson walked across the front of the room, studying Kyle as he was being sworn in. It would have made me very nervous. He finally spoke.

"Jury, we are here to prove that Mr. Richardson, and Mr. Ambrose are guilty of two counts of premeditated murder, along with other charges, which will be discussed. One count of murder has been placed for each of them. The first case, the Summer's case, has been open for a long time, and we are here to close it. The second case, the Richardson case, was opened a few months back. Kyle is going to answer my questions. Kyle, you knew about Jared, your brother, being killed, right?"

Kyle stared at him like he'd spoken Japanese. "Answer the question." said the judge, seeming bored.

"Yea, I knew about it." stated Kyle.

"Did you know about James being the killer?"

"Not until recently." Kyle smiled, like he'd made a joke.

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