Where is Jared Chapter 15

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Chapter 15- TIM

It scared me. Everything scared me. I was trapped, had a broken knuckle, and Jessie was lying on the floor beside me, knocked out. And I didn't even want to think about her injuries, because I knew they were extensive.

It all scared me to death.

Questions ran through my mind; numerous questions. Where could I take her? How do we get out? Does anyone else know about us? Will her mother come? Will the police be called?

I had no answer to these raging questions.

I looked frantically for a tool. Any tool that would get me out. I couldn't see. It was too dark in this stupid shack. I don't even know how we found it.

After about a half-hour, when I thought there was no hope, Jessie started moving. "Tim? What the hell happened?" She mumbled.

"I don't know. He hit you with his gun, and then he blocked my punch with the damn thing. He freaking broke my knuckle!!" I ranted.

"Oh... well... help me up." She groaned. "Maybe we can find something to break open the door."

"Okay." I helped her up, trying not to hurt her or my knuckle. I really needed medical attention, and fast. And so did Jessie, and badly at that.

We searched and searched. There was no great way to look because we couldn't see. So we poked around together, and tried to hold on to that last saving grace. Nothing.

After a few minutes, Jessie slumped down to the floor. At least that's what I heard. She sighed. "This is useless. He left no way out!" she said. I sat down near her.

"I could think of something, if only my knuckle wasn't hurting like crazy."

"Me too, if only I wasn't weak from blood loss." She said, sounding like she was making a joke.

"That's not funny."

"Yea, it is. But who cares? We're both going to die, and Jared's murder will go without revenge." She said sullenly.

"No! I'm getting us out of here!" I said. I jumped up and started banging on the walls of the shack. "HELP!! HELP!!" I chanted. I kept banging on the walls, desperate now to get out.

All of a sudden, something broke. I mean, the wall broke. Jessie yelped, not knowing what it was, but I knew. Now was our chance to get free.

The board was now loose at the bottom of the wall. I grabbed it and yelled because of my damn knuckle. I continued pulling it until it was free from the ground and the nails that secured it.

I leaped for joy now, finally able to use something to break the lock at the front of the shack. Despite my sore knuckle, I ran to the front and jammed the board under the lock. I shook it upward violently, still screaming from pain, and finally the lock broke free. The door swung open, and there lay a body.


I sreamed.

"James did this?!" I yelled at Tim. "He did this to my friend?!"

"I don't know." He looked like he was hiding something. But I couldn't place what, or why, for that matter. He sighed, and started to pick her up. I had been wondering where she'd went. I'd seen her coming to save me.

"I guess that's what happens when you're involved in something like this." I said, sobbing now.

Tim mumbled something, something that sounded like 'Not if you're in charge...' but I couldn't tell. I shrugged and tried to help Katie up.

I shook her head, trying to get a response. Nothing. "Look, we have to go to the hospital. We'll get someone to come back for her. Come on." He looked like he didn't want to help her at all. It was very confusing. Probably just your blood loss, I told myself.

Tim and I held hands as we headed to my house for the phone. I could tell that neither of us was fit to drive.

I grabbed the phone. "Hello? There's a problem. Yea. I need medical assistance. Fast! My friend and I were attacked!!! Send medical help. And my other friend was attacked too. Yea. Okay. Thanks." I hung up.

The ambulance and police arrived after a few minutes. But, of course, James was no where to be found. He'd left long ago, probably right after he bashed Katie's head in. I was hoping that she was okay, but at the same time, I thought Tim knew something that I didn't.


Jessie didn't know. She didn't know, but she needed to know. She needed to know the Katie was evil. She needed to know that she was never her friend. She needed to know why. But not even I knew that. This was terrible. I thought about telling her after all of this was said and done, and acting like I'd forgotten. But the might let Katie go too fast. And then I'd be letting revenge slip right through my hands.

This was not a good thing.

I wanted so badly to tell Jessie that her best friend is a murderer, but I couldn't. There was no logical reason to tell her something like that, because it would put her in danger.

But, really, was there a logical reason NOT to tell her?

Nope, and in all the chaos, I'd never been so sure of a thing.

"Jessie... You have to know. Katie helped kill Jared. I know, you were best friends, but she's a killer. She had me held down earlier, keeping me away from you. That's why we're in this mess."

I stared at her for the longest moment. She just stared back. "Why? Why is this all happening to me? Why can't I just have a normal life?" She cried, hugging me. I just held her there, in my arms.

"Its okay, I'm here." Over and over I said this, while they patched us up and took us to the hospital.

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