Where is Jared Chapter 13

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Chapter 13- JESSIE

I went home, crying the whole way. I knew it hadn't been fair to assume that he'd be there for me. It was selfish and terrible, and I was guilty.

I made it home, scared stiff. Every p[art of me was frozen, and I felt as if I'd never move again. But I somehow managed to get out of my car and walk inside to greet my mom.

"Hey honey, how was school?" she said, as if every other parent in the world hadn't asked their teenager that.

"Great!" I acted enthused. I hated acting, but the parties I'd been to called for it sometimes.

"Great! Do you mind helping out with dinner?"

"Yea, sure." I said; glad to have a reason to be late meeting James.

I talked to my mom, sad that it took such extreme nervousness and fear from me for it to be this way. We hadn't had this great of a conversation in forever. It pained me because with James threatening my every move, I was definitely not promised to be here tomorrow. The thought almost made me cry again.

It was 6:13 when I walked to my window. I was hoping he'd left, but he hadn't. He must really want to kill me. He sat patiently, sitting on the tail end of his truck, seeming at ease. I took a deep breath, and walked outside to him, ready to face my worst fear.


I waited, wondering why she hadn't showed up yet. It was 6:12. She was nowhere to be seen. I was scared myself, because I couldn't exactly see if James was waiting in the back yard or not. If he was, I was screwed. There was no safe place to hide from them back there.

I crept up from behind my bush, just in time to see Jessie peek out her front door, take a deep breath, and step out into the biggest danger she'd ever face. At least, that's what I thought. So why did I abandon her?

I couldn't answer that. All I had been thinking at the time was about how pitiful it is to do everything for your love, and get nothing in return. But, did it really matter what you get, as long as you love them? Doesn't love require sacrifice? I'd thought so.

I took a deep breath myself. It felt amazing, like I'd forgotten how to breathe. It calmed me, and I opened my eyes to watch Jessie confront Jared's murderer.


I stared at James, and he stared back. He knew what was going on, and I guess he thought I did to. But I was clueless. I didn't even know if the ring and cloth was his. I couldn't prove it to anyone, anyway. But as I looked into James's eyes, I knew I'd had the right guy.

He was wearing a huge sweatshirt, baggy jeans, and flip-flops. Not a great combination considering the weather. That wasn't all the concerned me. What could her be hiding in that sweatshirt? A knife? A gun? I shuddered, and he smiled devilishly, as if to say, "Keep guessing."

After my recovery, I finally spoke.

"Are they yours?" I held the cloth and ring in my hand, showing him, but not getting close enough to let him take them.

"Um... yes." He said; He seemed to be thinking.

I was at a loss. I'd had no clue he would be this agreeable. I never knew I'd make it this far. I was stuttering when I spoke again. "D-Do you want to tell me where and why I've found these?"


"I can prove that you were there. You killed-"

I was suddenly choking. James had me in a lock, holding something sharp to my throat. "You can't...you won't prove anything. If you call the cops, or one of your little friends, you'll be splattered on the road, just like your precious boyfriend. I'll make sure of that." I looked up just in time to see him smile.


I ran. All I could think about was the fact that James had my love in his tight grip. Tears sprang to my eyes as I ran, trying to think of a plan. But then I hit something.

Not something, but someone. Katie.

She slammed me to the ground, and pressed her knee to my chest. "You're not going anywhere." She said evilly.


"You heard me."

I was too confused to answer. I knew Katie, poor innocent Katie, couldn't have had anything to do with a murder. Could she?

I stared at her for a torturously long two seconds, knowing that my Jessie was probably going to die. I tried to think of another plan.

"Fine. But I don't know what you're talking about." I played dumb.

"Yea, you know. I saw you crying, trying to run over there to save your precious baby. But you know what? She doesn't love you. She never has. Always, that chick had eyes for Jared."

Crap. She knew I was lying. This was going to be hard.

She did love me. Or she would soon. It would be too painful if I didn't tell myself this. I would die from the pain. I tried to let Katie's hateful words roll off of my shoulders. But, staring into her eyes, I began to cry again. I knew that there was no hope.

No hope for me, for Jessie, or for our love.

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