Chapter 5

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Since Koro-sensei is at Mount Everest, Kayano, as well as Karasuma and B'tch-sensei took the chance to discuss among the class the new assassination plan.

"Karasuma-sensei.. You got everything ready like I told you right?" Kayano asked

"Huh? Ah.. Yes.. It's at the school yard..." Karasuma-sensei replied as Kayano then lead the class outside wearing their aprons on the process

While the class was outside, Seiyu decided to just stay in the classroom and watch, calculate the outcome and sigh when she's right... which is most likely to be every single time..

[Seiyu's POV]
Come to think of it, I remember tracking her phone to see her frequently entering the supermarket..

Geez, I sound like a stalker..

Well technically, I am but I just prefer to call it borrowing information..

'Somehow she reminds me of -, one of my bestfriends in the entertainment field by the color of her eyes...

Whatever.. I forgot the name' I thought and got Karasuma-sensei's laptop and did some more gathering of information..

[3rd POV]

The whole day was spent into making a 20 feet giant pudding assassination for Koro-sensei..

The class left it frozen overnight as for tomorrow, the plan engages..

~The Next Day~

"E-eh?! What? Is this really for me?!" Koro-sensei was in awe as there stod infront of him is a giant pudding with a variety flavor changes in the middle layers..

Koro-sensei thanked everyone; mostly Kayano as the class left him to his meal..

"Well then.. Itadakimasu!" his final words before he started munching on the pudding...

'Bon appétit Tako..' The class thought as they kept track of the octopus in the classroom...

Also with the last minute backing out of Kayano..

"Well then, time for a break.. I somehow found something attached to the bottom of the set-up so I dug underground and detonated the thing.." Koro-sensei teleported to the class holding Takebayashi's bomb..

'Ahh.. He saw through it' The class though but then again, the entire class was not that gloomy at all as they were finishing the giant taste of Heaven in a small parfait cup..

The classroom door slammed open as there came their mysterious classmate..

The mood seemed to get heavy with each step Seiyu took going towards Kayano..

The tension got bigger as Kayano started to panic as well as the bluenette beside her..

'May I steal her for a while Nagisa-kun?' Seiyu raised her phone as Nagisa sweatdropped..

Seiyu took that as a yes and started dragging Kayano outside and to the deeper parts of the mountain..

"A-ano.. Are you okay Seiyu-chan?" Kayano stuttered as the two came into a halt..

The awkward silence was deafening between the two as in a blink of an eye, Seiyu hugged Kayano..

"Eh?! W-What?" Kayano squeaked in the gesture of the blonde girl..

"Akari-chi.." Seiyu said as the greenette came to her senses and slowly hugged back..

"How come I didn't notice this from the start? I should've known it was you SeeU.." she smiled in contrast to her emotions

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