Chapter 15

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[3rd POV]

The class were enjoying their nightly leisure when an outburst of a strong sound wave emitting from the mountain shocked everyone..

Finding out that there's a laser-like barrier shell surrounding their classroom, the class hurried to meet up at the bottom of the mountain in which they were interrogated with questions regarding the octopus teacher.

"He's not the monster everybody thought!" Kurahashi cried out to the reporters as Karasuma fed off the scavengers.

Knowing that the class would still be further interrogated, they flee from the scene and planned to scout the target location for now..

"We can start breaking through the defense tonight.." Karma said as everyone nodded in agreement but, being opposed to the governments plan, the class was held captive by the guys as of which Karma noticed to be the ones who he met days ago..

On the other side, the press were now going wild with questions to the principal Asano which led to some of the reporters being brainwashed, but alas, that is just a single drop on the well since Koro-sensei's assassins will be the entire humanity.

The students were now confined in a room in which their only source of knowledge from the outside world is the television. All their clothes and gadgets were taken away which leaves the class to painfully wait for a miracle..

The door of the room opened as the stoic teacher entered with some soldiers..

'This might be it' the class tought but all they got was a rough lecture about their hasty plan.

As the class started to loose hope, Nagisa made things clear.

"Don't you see guys? Sensei once told us that whenever he's having a bad time, he can count on us.. So,  when Karasuma-sensei said that we're making things hard for him, doesn't that mean that he's actually giving us permission to act?"

"Probably, since he did give us information about the guards in the mountain subtly..." Fuwa added which made the class enlighten..

"We'll think this through.." Isogai stated as they started planning according to the new information given..

In the allotted time of three days, the class had started to formulate their strats as well as practicing every now and then..

The last day came by so fast and the students were preparing themselves for the big day when the door to the room opened once again, this time revealing their english teacher Ms. Irina.

Suddenly, the class was envelopped in french kisses from the teacher which altered confusion to others, and left quicker than she came..

Before Kayano could protest, some of the students were spewing out something from their mouths, and those were Takebayashi's explosive set, along with a map leading outside..

The students made their successful exit and met up with the blonde teacher..

"A favor from your fellow classmate and Karasuma.." Irina stated before Yada could ask about the escape and some running shoes waiting for them..

'Thank God for Seiyu-chan' they thought and quickly headed home as planned, and got on gear.

Once the class finally grouped up into a hidden space near the mountain, Itona took scouting activities with his drone and the help of Ritsu.

After they had secured their target route, the class began their final and only move in entering the mountain..

Three hours left before the government fires the heavenly spear and the class is going wild, stealthily making their way up top, defeating the said wolf pack slowly but surely..

Getting the alert from Ritsu, Seiyu finally decided to join the fun in defeating the final boss, the alpha of the pack, Houjou..

[Seiyu's POV]

Just as I thought, when it comes to assassinating in this mountain, the class is like the best team the world ever had..

It seems like the class handled it pretty well with the rest, but what I'm afraid off is whether he will flip the 'switch' and would start rampaging on my friends..

Just as I came on the scene, Karma and Nagisa shared a finishing blow to the man as he fell to the groumd with the impact..

Not that he'll be knocked out though..

Houjou was still moving... Before he could finally pull of his glasses, I landed a direct punch to his solar plexus rendering him immobile for seconds..

"Seiyu-chan! You're here! How's sensei?" Isogai gasped as I gave a short wave and replied, "He's been waiting up top.. Better hurry.." whilst pointing at the top of the mountain..

"But how about you?" Nagisa asked but I dismissed him with a devilish grin..

"A little payback.." I replied as the class went on ahead..

[3rd POV]

As dark as the forest was, what greeted Houjou's face were glowing yellow eyes and cat-like ears from the person standing before him..

"You could've gotten the chance to get rid of me but I guess you're just afraid after I put out a little innocent act.." Seiyu grinned at the man whilst mummifying him up with duct tape.

"Sadly I still have other errands to run, so you'll be temporarily free for now, but when I have my spare time, I'll make sure to give you a thorough revenge for killing my dear kitty, got that?" Seiyu spat out with venom as the man nodded in fear..

[3rd POV]

How could he have forgotten about this girl he despised yet adored.. He may have killed the lion by ripping it barehanded but he still remembered that this girl tamed the same lion with a single stare..

'This class is really full of monsters..' He thought before Karasuma's reinforcements came and took him away..

Seiyu came back on the class yard just in time as Nakamura took out the cake she bought..

The class sat in a circle formation leaving the octopus in the center looking at his cake, singing the birthday song smiling happily

It feels like it's your typical happy ending, if and only if, a black tentacle hadn't interrupted the celebration.

Everyone was blown back by the impact and instinctively looked at the source to find Yanagisawa and the guy in a black suit, again..

'How?' was their first thought but quickly left to find cover..

Yanagisawa was explaining how the 2nd generation reaper was, going as far to injecting himself with the tentacle trasnmutation chemical.

"I no longer give a shit with living as long as I get to kill the man who stole everything from me!" Yanagisawa cried and launched a heavy blow to the octopus...

While a fight was engaging, no one took notice of the humanoid that's temporarily immobile..

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N/A corner:

I'm really sorry for the super late update on the story.. 〒_〒

I didn't expect to be busy this month and I actually forgot how I wanted the story to end for a while [I don't really have a proper plot.. Sorry] and my body is like always tired from dance practices for contests this May.. 〒_〒

Anyway, the story is nearing its end and I hope I met your expectations [If you had any..] and thanks for getting this far of a boring story..

I'll try to write as much as I can and I'll try not to procrastinate too much..

Sorry. (。•́︿•̀。)


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