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The sound of the alarm ringing as well as glass breaking was heard in the entire facility..

People are running towards the exits as the fire slowly swallows the halls..

Screams of agony lingers in the surroundings as two killers were on the loose..

"Attention... all personels are requested to evacuate immediately... I repeat.. evacu-t- im-dtl-y" the announcer was cut off with a static noise..

The ministry of defense came as well as a group of firefighters in the scene..

"officers to the west wing!"
"alpha, they got out!"
"bravo! delta! on to the back and front! make sure not a single line of thread passes! do you copy!?" the chief was cut off by a static noise hearing girly giggles and deep chuckles on the other line..

"Chief! s-send b-back-u-up.. t-they g-got u-us! aaaarrggghhh" the officer on the line stated in his final breath as the chief and his team were starting to freak out..

"Curtis! Curtis!" the chief called but no voice from the agent on the line but the constant giggles and chuckles were heard clearly as if taunting the people on the other line..

"I... see.. you..." they heard as the line gut cut off..


"Kizuhaya's Research Lab went down with a fire and only a few blocks and files were partially ruined. The rest were burnt down to ashes. Investigators are closing the area to look for clues of what caused the fire in this undocumented research laboratory.. further details are secured by the ministry of defense at the moment for more investigation.. This is Yumiko Sahara reporting.." the female reporter cut the report and left the area oblivious to the pair of eyes watching her every move with wide grins on their faces like hungry predators ready to pounce at the prey just at the forest near the burnt laboratory.

~3 years later~

The head of the ministry finally earned some clues as to what or more precisely, who started the commotion. Although, they weren't able to track the culprits due to the lack of data in their bio.. and to the ministry's luck.. both pictures were burnt..

"What do you think we need to do chief?" asked one of the elites in the ministry..

"We need to find the two.. and hope for a miracle for them to help us with the octopus mission"

Subject C.U-101
Name: C-U?
Age: N/A
Bloodtype: N/A
Height: 4'11
Weight: N/A
Appearance: Long white hair, skinny, pale white skin, blue eyes, ...
Parents: N/A

-Genetic Mutation
-Genetic Enhancement
- .....

Subject U.C-101
Name: S...
Age: N/A
Bloodtype: N/A
Height: 5'5
Weight: N/A
Appearance: Short gray hair, skinny, pale white skin, black eyes, ...
Parents: N/A

-Genetic Mutation
-Alteration of ....

~Somewhere out there at the same time with the happenings with the ministry of defense~

"We have a request Mr. Yamaha.." 2 voices asked the middle aged man as he gave his two superstars a warm smile..

"Of course.. anything you two want.." he replied making the two smirk..

"We'd like to take a long break and not be known by anybody.." The girl said

"We'd like to separate ways for a while but we'll be back.." The boy added

"But we'll call you if there's anything we need.. and to tell you how we are doing.. away from the crowd.." The two synced looking at their 'father' who sighed and gave an understanding nod..

The two headed out to their room and prepared everything before they leave..

"How will I find you? more or less know you?" Asked the girl as she tucked the strands of her hair inside her cover..
"You'll know it's me when you know IT's me.." the boy replied wearing his jacket..
"You do know that you're declaring war against me right?" Asked the girl which was replied by a chuckle and a head pat by the boy..

The two nodded at each other and headed out the building and went separate ways like the two didn't know each other..

This happened as the A-class and E-class were on the train station and leaving for Okinawa...

And since fate needed something for the story it's making.. Fate will bring them together maybe sooner or later..

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