Chapter 11

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Monochromatic life...

In a city full of treachery, pain and suffering, a girl quietly stared off the silhouette of a young man...

'Another haul today huh?'

The girl thought as she looked at the pile of corpses behind her...

'At least he has something better to do..'

She sighed and left the scene waiting for the man to meet her...

She was a nobody, living in the gutters of the cruel city but somehow when her life was counted, she was spared by the grim reaper..

In awe and confusion, she found herself 'observing' the man...

Oh how she loved to die if he wasn't there..

She was a girl once gifted with love and wealth but all ended when she found her parents dead..

No relatives to take her, no love was left from her...

Solid, soulless cold eyes, with a heart as red as the rose, covered with a thousand thorns..

Lost everything and was sold out on black markets, she thought..

'How I'd love to rest in a peaceful slumber where I can escape this place that's downright under...'

She met a child of young age hearing that he had the same fate as her...

Saved by a demon, that kid had summoned, how she wished she could've done something in common...

Escaping the place unknown, walking on the path of death she goes..

Traveled overseas on the ships she was able to sneak in and found herself resting under a cherry blossom tree by the following days..

'What a beautiful tree this is..' she thought, 'clearly not fitting to be tarnished by this world'

Back on her feet she continued her journey, not knowing where It'll lead yet kept walking past the leaves..

A gutter she found amusing, lies a pile of boxes, trash and cloth, she told herself to sleep, heedless of the fact that death lies beneath..



Opened her eyes and greeted with demise..

A group of men with unpleasant gazes and corrupted minds had their hands on her, letting her feel the cold metallic materials on her throat and head..

She longed for the darkness that comes, after the knife had pierced her skin, once again feeling the pained emotion...

Her ears blocked the yelling of the men as she focused on feeling the thick and warm blood on her neck..

As if death was calling her, she closed her eyes and fell to the ground just after she felt the loosening of the grip on her..

The place was tinted with red, her body scratched, bruised, pale, and weak, lies gracefully on the ground as if it was a tragic painting..

The reaper stood bewildered of the sight, seeing a ragged sleeping beauty smiling ever so casually with a wavelength as calm as a sleeping infant..

Grabbing the rose hidden on the reaper's coat, he placed it just beside the beauty on the ground but was surprised when the rose was sent flying towards his direction..

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