Chapter 16

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[Seiyu's POV?]

"Aaannnd.. We ended up training.." I sighed as the man infront of me started hanging punching bags..

"This is just precautionary measures.." He replied as she ushered me to land a blow to the first bag.

I sighed once again and hugged the bag. Seconds later, the bag exploded with its parts flying all over the place..

"I didn't mind it the first time but when taken account, you actually are very strong with that tiny build of yours.." The man commented as he observed the scene..

"It runs in the blood.." I replied to the awestruck male..

"But that's the problem.. I can't understand why and how.. That's just too... overpowered."

"I kept telling you, it runs in the blood.. Ever wondered how I recovered that time? How my family was killed? How I came from a black market?" I sighed

"Master, the main reason I kept my profile low is?"

"I get it.. I get it.. I'm just curious as to what extent does your ability stand.."

"Much to how it should be but less to what I wanted to be.."

Heaving another heavy sigh, master have made his decision to make me not just the informa but also yield my second blade.

"Yeah we could make use of your overpowered self but I need you to lay low and hold back unless necessary alright?" Master declared without a second thought.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Everything was falling, broken, left in pieces as my cold eyes stared at the blank-faced man ahead.


Why am I like this?

What is it that resides in my head?

"I'm sorry, it's my fault.."

But was it really mine or was that the one that's in my mind?

'A monster I tell you! They are monsters!'
'Kill them all! Leave not a single one of their kind!'
'They have cost us our lives now they must pay us with theirs!'

'Child young and pure in mind, tainted with the sins of our kind. Protect yourself for you are such a valuable price, and lead those in wrong to their demise.'

"I'm sorry, it's my fault.."

'Run and Hide don't let them find you.. Run and Hide, they're coming for you..'

'They're in ashes of our fire.'
'The family we did admire'
'But the child..'
'The child? The child... The child!'
'That monster we must find!'
'That monster or the demon child?'

"I'm sorry, it's my fault.."


Why do you try to run when you know you'll have some fun?'

'Why do you try to hide when you can turn the tide?'

'Why must you conceal when you know that you can kill?'

'Why are you sinking me in?'

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