Chapter 17

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[3rd POV]

"Nice to meet you~"

A certain humanoid teased earning a massive gasp of shock from the spectators..

"What is happening to her? She's crimson red!" One of the students shouted as she threw a 'slight' punch that sent the creature flying back..

'What is this immense amount of power from this human?' The creature thought.

'So this was her real cheat the entire time?' A monstrous Yanagisawa thought as well.

"Oya? I haven't even gave an ounce of my strength yet.. Don't go dying on me or this will be boring~" The humanoid teased once again before charging for another blow to the 'stomach' of the monster.

'Seiyu, what have you become?' Is what the class thought

In the middle of the confusion, Yuu suddenly appeared in Nagisa's phone.

"Yo, about Yanagisawa, apparently he had taken the fake reaper and did some modifications turning him into a— What the f^ck is that!?" Yuu explained but was appalled when he saw the scene at the back.

"Is that sis!? Holy sh!t guys! Get outta there or stop her before everyone else gets involved too!" Yuu shouted with fear visible on his appearance..

"What is happening to her? Is it really that bad?" Isogai asked in behalf of everyone.

"Yeah! No sh!t! That girl is a killing machine! Agh, I should've stopped her back then.. Just get others to safety and whatever you do, don't be in her radar!" Yuu screeched really panicked as everyone thought of how bad it really is when they saw Yuu being too panicked and in fear, for the first time.

[Kayano's POV]

I was told before of this special ability of hers that almost defy physics.

Her berserk mode.. I never actually believed it back then, but now that I've seen it in person, she really is like a walking time-bomb.

But, I know her reason... We may have been told to go for cover but I need to take action too..

"I'm helping!" I alerted the others and leaped towards the four fighting monsters..

Even though the tentacles are long gone in my system, I still possess my ability to act like a monster.

Leaping towards the black-tentacled creature, I let out the anti-sensei material and slashed two of his tentacles.

"Kayano what are you doing?~" Seiyu asked with concern even in that form.

"I'm sorry Chi, I can't just stand there and watch you and sensei fight.." I replied and cut another one of the tentacles.

I can barely catch up to this creature when Chi is holding her, what more if I took this one alone.

[3rd POV]

Isogai lead the others outside the light barrier as Kayano, Seiyu, and the octeach fought right before their eyes.

'Everyone, please be careful..' The students hoped for the best but, that hope was crushed when the black creature landed a solid blow through Kayano's stomach.

Everyone gasped at the scene.

The teacher was too tired, the humanoid was too occupied and Kayano is falling..

Nagisa snapped out of the shock and quickly ran to catch Kayano and bring her outside the barrier.

"You bastard.. first my teacher, now my friend? You really love to piss someone off now do you? That's probably why I hated your guts.." Seiyu's voice echoed as she kept on increasing her speed..

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