Chapter 3

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[3rd POV]

Summer didn't last that long for the students and teachers and of course our main character guest-san who Ritsu finally noticed was a girl..

The two mostly took their time 'talking' especially when Ritsu's main unit was now back at the classroom on the last day of the Okinawa Trip..

No one but Ritsu had found out about the existence of the guest who's living in the classroom yet, but it turns out it won't be soon when the Class E finally meets her..

'Are you sure they'll like me?' the guest asked as Ritsu just chuckled and gave her a salute..

"Of course they will.." Replied the AI

~After Summer Vacation was over~

It was just your typical sunny day as the class was back from their trip to Okinawa and back for another semester to start..

As usual, the ikemen class representative Isogai was the first one to arrive. Opening the door to the classroom and being greeted by Ritsu who happened to just turn on..

Just when he said their good mornings, Yuuma's eyes landed on the person sitting on the desk next to Karma's

"Hey Ritsu.. do you.. umm know?" Yuuma asked  pointing towards the uninvited guest...

Ritsu gave Isogai a smile and replied "The class will have a guest starting from now on..."

The guest raised her hand and waved politely at the guy and back to sitting erect and frozen..

"Guest-san isn't really fond of guests in her 'property'.. a little too shy, I may add" Ritsu said

Yuuma snapped out of his thoughts and waved back before sitting on his desk..

Later on, the rest of the class came still with the same reaction with Yuuma..

As soon as the class was full of students, their main topic for talking was the uninvited guest beside Karma who's still as a rock..

'You do know it's rude to stare right?' The guest suddenly raised a notepad which startled everybody and made them thought the same thing..

'Where in the world are the eye holes?' and 'Why won't she talk?'

But was cut off when Koro-sensei entered the class jolly as ever...

"Good Morning Class~ how did our short vacation go? did you have fun during the summers festival?" he asked as the class began to chit chat about what happened that short vacation.

"Now before we proceed on the usual, does anybody know our sudden visitor here?" Koro-sensei asked as the class shook their heads no.. Although Ritsu just remained smiling..

The guest raised her pocket notepad and the class read..

'Sorry, I just happen to pass this little classroom thinking it was out of order, so I decided to stay here..'

The class just shrugged as Koro-sensei finally started the lesson..

~Time Skip~

It was now P.E. time with Karasuma-sensei as the class were now outside practicing combat..

The guest was sitting on the grass 'watching' the students as they fight..

Karasuma finally noticed the class' uneasiness and asked the students right infront of him "What's wrong with you kids? your speed and accuracy is decreasing every second.."

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