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Here's chapter 4 enjoy


(Adam's P.O.V)

Me and Xavier were getting ready to leave. I was about to finish my sentence but then I felt his lips on mine. I was shocked but I decided to kiss back.

Xavier's hands cupped my face and he pulled me closer. This was my first kiss and it was amazing despite the fact I'm kissing a total stranger. After like 30 seconds he pulled away and he had a suprised expression on his face.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't. ..have" I could tell he was having trouble speaking

"It's fine" I replied still flustered

"Look we just met and I kissed you. This is the most cliche thing ever but there's something about you. I don't know what it is and I sound like a complete idiot right now. But I want to be with you and I know that your basically a stranger but I can't help it. Can we try this out, like us. And you don't have to say yes but I just need an answer."

This is unreal, he just asked me to be with him after we've known each other for like 4 hours. That's when I made a decision that would change my life forever.

I placed one of my hands on his neck and pulled his lips down to mine. It was clear what my answer was.

After I pulled away we both looked at each other out of breath.

"So that's a yes?" He asked anyway



We had to say goodbye eventually and when I got back home I almost passed out. A smile appeared on my face and before he came along I didn't do that a lot.

I looked around and the broken mirror didn't seem that bad. The broken spring on my bed didn't hurt as much. The hole in the floor didn't seem so big. Everything just looked so much better.

I have a boyfriend now and everything's just happening so fast but I don't care. Even if I end up getting heart broken it will have been worth it for these moments of happiness.

(Xavier's P.O.V )

"I kissed him, I kissed him, I kissed him"

I kept saying those words over and over again to myself. I kissed a guy I don't know, I definitely have a problem. Am I stupid? Did I do the wrong thing? I continued to ask myself a million questions but then I got a text.

From Daniel:
My parents aren't home, party at my house?

To Daniel:
Sure See u in 10

I searched my room and I finally found my sneakers. There's really no point in changing clothes.

I grabbed my keys and walked downstairs then towards the door.

"Where are u going" I turned around to see my sister Alana sitting on the couch.

"To Daniels" I replied.

"Ohhhh are his parents home?" She Asked With An Eyebrow Raised.

"Gross your like 12 how are you so perverted?"

"I'm not perverted I'm speaking the truth. You are gay right?"

"Bye" I continued to walk out the door.


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