Dinner with the parents

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Here's chapter 27 enjoy :)
(Xavier's P.O.V)

I opened the door to reveal my mother, sister and Adams parents. They all stepped inside and I led them to the dining room where Adam and Amanda were.

"Hi mom, nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. foster."

"Xavier!!" Alana squealed obviously not being able to contain her excitement anymore and jumped into my arms.

"Hi Alana." Adam greeted

"Adam!!" I handed her to him

"I missed you Adam."

"I missed you to." He smiled fondly at her we all sat around the table. Me and Amanda on opposite sides of Adam, Alana next to me, my mom next to Adams mom and his dad beside her. The atmosphere was tense and it was completely silent. Adam was shifting slightly in his chair not being able to stay still.

"What a lovely place, you and And Amanda did a very nice job." My mom was informed that we were fixing it when I had to take money out of my bank account for the first time in months.  

"You guys fixed it up?" Adams dad asked

"Yeah this place used to be falling apart." A look of guilt crossed all of their faces, it wasn't my intention but they should feel guilty.

"I will go get the food." Adam excused himself from the table and I went with him. It felt like I could finally breathe when I walked out that dining room.

"So its going well." I said to Adam while grabbing the bowl of mashed potatoes.

"Is it?"

"Things will get better I promise, we did not have this dinner for nothing." He pecked my lips and we walked out of the kitchen back into the dinning room.

After a couple of trips to the back and forth everyone was starting to eat.

"Okay so we called this dinner because there's obviously a lot of unresolved conflicts between us and we really want to resolve them so we can move on." I was nervous as hell but I made sure not to make it evident, this could go really good or really bad.

"Okay I guess Ill start." My mom spoke up

"Xavier, Adam, I am so sorry that I had to kick you out. It was never my intention to hurt you or make you feel bad in any way. Its just that I am very strong when it comes to religion and I just couldn't go against my beliefs."

"Are you serious?" Alana stood up from her place in the table and her face was literally turning a shade of red

"Alana calm down." I tried to stop her but she was already starting and she intended to finish

"You kicked out my older brother all because you found out he was gay. You were perfectly fine with them hanging out until you realized that they were dating. Nothing changed, they never did anything in front of you, its not like they were making out in the Kitchen. Its so stupid, now what if you found out I was a lesbian? Would you kick me out to? I cant believe the nerve of you, since when did some book become more important then your kids."

"I want this to work, but I just cant support this relationship."

"If you cant support me and Adam then there is no working, now I would appreciate it if you left." She didn't protest at all, she grabbed her things and walked out. I took Alana into one of the rooms so she could sleep, I know she gets tired when she's worked up. 

"Are you okay?" Adam asked when I returned

"Yeah" I kissed my cheek but I knew the conversation wasn't over, we would definitely be continuing it later.


(Adams P.O.V)

"Um, I guess its our turn." My father interrupted the silence.

"You want the full story so here it is. We had you Adam when we were only 16, the truth is you weren't an accident. We wanted you, we were ready for kids but our parents weren't. We loved you so much, you were all we ever wanted. Both of our mom and dads said we were to young, we were juggling school, work and you but we didn't mind. When Adam was 4 I found out I was pregnant with you Amanda. We didn't plan it, but we were so happy but it just made our parents more angry. They made us give you up for adoption, we lived in there house under there rules. It was the hardest thing we ever had to do." She was tearing up at made me feel bad for snapping at them and I knew Amanda had the same feeling

"The day we left wasn't really us leaving, we were 25 and we thought we had finally gained the support of our parents but in there eyes we were still babies.  My mother wrote those notes and planted them in the house. We were dragged out in the middle of the night and had no idea where we were going. We tried to get answers, but no one would tell us anything. Next thing we know we were on a plane to the other side of the world. They wanted us as far away from you as possible. For those 8 years we tried to leave, we wanted to come back to find you two but we couldn't. Our parents were very powerful people, they could make anyone do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. The last year of those 8 years my father died of a heart attack, we were all heartbroken even after everything. We stayed with mom for another year because it was just the right thing to do. After that there defenses were down, it was our chance to leave. It took 2 months but we tracked down Amanda's parents. But since she had already  tracked you down it was easy for us and we showed up yesterday."

"If this was all your parents then why didn't you try to explain that yesterday."

"Because we blamed ourselves for what happened, even thought we most likely couldn't have done anything we felt like we didn't try hard enough. Not only that but even after everything you grandparents did we still wanted you to remember them as good people. We knew that you most likely would never meet your grandparents and they are good people they were just way to over protective. Were sorry we didn't come back sooner, we never wanted you two to be separated but that wasn't our choice. Were only glad that without us you both managed to become wonderful kids." When my dad was finished I felt like my entire childhood was a lie. I spent 8 years blaming them for something that wasn't there fault.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you guys yesterday I should have let you both explain."

"You had every right, you were angry."

"I'm sorry to, this was all one big misunderstanding and were glad to have you guys back into our lives." She got up and hugged them for the first time ever. There was no doubt in my mind that they have loved me and Amanda since the day we were born. I went to hug them to and I would be lying If I said that I didn't miss them.

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