Tree house

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Here's chapter 17 enjoy
(Xavier's P.O.V)

I woke up with Adams small frame still in my arms. I smiled at the boy in front of me. I've been up for about an hour, not having the heart to let him go yet. He shifted a little and sunk deeper into my chest. My face lit up even more, my entire world lying right in front of me, I couldn't ask for anything more.

"Stop staring at me." He said barley audible.

"No, your to cute." He grabbed the pillow and hit my face with it.

I lifted him up and sat him on my lap, his head falling to my neck.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because I can."

His smile widened as did mine.

"So what are we doing today?" He mumbled

"Nothing, you need to rest."

"I'm fine"


"Please, I don't want to stay here all day." He begged looking into my eyes with his bottom lip popped out. There is no way I could ever resist that.

"Fine, I know a place now go shower." He got off my lap and started waking to the bathroom after I planted a kiss on his forehead.

Once we were both showered and clothed we got in the car and I drove to our destination.
(Adam's P.O.V)

"Where are we?" We were in the car for about 10 min before he stopped in a field with a big tree in the middle of it. The tree had a medium sized house built onto it and a spiral wooden staircase instead of a ladder.

"This is my grandparents private property." He led me up into the tree house and opened the door stepping inside.

"Me and my father built this when I was 9. He insisted on the stairs instead of the latter, said it was to dangerous. My grand parents had there first kiss under this tree. There used to be a house but it got torn down and they were going to do the same to the tree but they refused to let it happen. They bought the property and they planned to rebuild the house but they never got around to it. When we told them we didn't have anywhere to build our tree house they let us use this tree." I examined the room once we got up there, it was small. It has two beanbag chairs in either corner and shelves stacked with board games, hand held video games and books.

"You read?"

"Don't act so surprised, I actually love reading."

"I've never even seen you pick up a book."


(Xavier's P.O.V)

"Why would I want anything distracting me from you?" I snaked my arm around his waist and bought him towards me, capturing his lips with mine. He didn't hesitate to kiss back, I pulled him even closer causing him to wince.

"I'm so sorry, I forgot" I said worried and examining him to make sure I didn't hurt him further.

"It's fine it was just my arm."

"No it's not, you should have never been hurt in the first place." I sat down on the beanbag chair and pulled him down with me.

"There's another chair you know." he laughed in my ear

"I know, but....I want you to tell me everything that happened last night. I know you don't want to think about it but I need to know why he hurt you. Why he would lay a hand on you when he knows how much I care about you so can you please tell me?" 


(AN: I'm not going to make you read it al over again so fast forward⏩)

"When he was leaving he sounded angry and upset, "he's mine" was the last thing he said"

"He's not over that?" I said to myself


"Adam there's something I haven't told you yet. It's a part of my life that I tried to shut out but I guess I can't anymore.........I used to go out with Daniel."


"I met Daniel in the 8th grade, we became close friends, We were inseparable. Then one day after school we went to my house and he kissed me. I didn't hate it, in fact I wanted to kiss him more. We started dating in secret. We stayed together until the beginning of sophomore year. Then us being together was getting to hard. Trying to hide it, lying to our parents but not only that. We felt like being together would make people criticize us, that what happened to Dylan and Austin would happen to us. So we ended it, I started to see him less as my boyfriend and more as my best friend. We completely erased that part of our lives, pretended like it never happened. From that day forward I told myself I wasn't gay and Daniel did the same, I didn't like guys and that was it. I started going after girls again but it was never enough, it wasn't the same. My first kiss, first relationship, first time was with a guy but I still stuck with it, until I saw you. That moment you rushed past me on the skateboard it was a split second feeling. I barley saw your face but I knew you were gorgeous and my stomach did a back flip. Then when I saw you after the party and the same thing happened. Then I asked you for your number, sounding like a creep. I called you the next the morning , again creepy. You agreed to go out with me and I kept asking what was wrong with me. I was falling for a stranger but when I saw you at the park none of it mattered. Then I kissed you and little did I know that my whole life would change because of it. I love you so much Adam. Daniel may not be over our ex relationship but I am. I'm not his, I'm yours and and your mine, forever."

"I love you to, you changed my life on the best ways possible and I'm glad that you kissed me in the park." He pushed his lips on mine and kissed me passionately. I looked into his eyes. Those perfect green orbs that still sent my stomach into backflips. I love him more then anything.

"So what are we going to do about Daniel?"

"I don't know, but can we not talk about it right now?" He questioned

"Of course babe, what do you want to do?"

"Show me your books, I want to know all about that side of you." I understood that Adam didn't want to talk about it. I just told him a lot, but that's it. There's no more secrets or suprises, I hope.

AN: Sorry for the random point of view change from Adam to Xavier. I was reading it over and I realized I started that part in Adams point of view and then continued in Xavier's and I tried to change it to one point of view but it would have thrown everything off. So again sorry and thank you for reading this chapter, hope you were surprised.

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