He strikes again

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Here's chapter 13 enjoy :)
(Xavier's P.O.V)

"Dylan what happened?" I was late for class and on my way I find Dylan laying on the floor against the lockers. He had a bloody nose, a busted lip and was holding his wrist

"Daniel happened." He tried to talk but it looked painful.

"I can't believe he did this, come on."

"No, your gonna be late for class."

"I already am." I helped him off the floor and took him to the nurse. We got there and the nurse wouldn't be back for like 10 min according to the security guard. But by the time she got back the period was over.

"Can you go check on Austin, make sure he's okay?"

"Sure." The halls were crowded since we were in between classes.

I searched the halls and I couldn't find him. The classrooms were empty so I decided to look in the bathrooms. I found him crying in one of the stalls.

"Austin come out its me." he slowly emerged from the stall completely soaked.

"What happened?"

"Daniel" Of course.

His lip was cut just like Dylan's. His clothes were wet from what I assume is toilet water.

"I have extra clothes in my locker and after you change you can go see Dylan in the the nurse.

"What happened?" He sprung up and a look of worry shot across his face.

"What do you think?" I could tell he understood. We left the bathroom and I gave him the extra clothes from my locker. After he changed he went to nurse. I went to go find Adam and his friends but they found me.

"Where were you, you missed math." Adam asked

"With Dylan and Austin. I found Dylan Alone in the hall beat up pretty bad. Austin was in the bathroom completely soaked and he got punched in the face, they both said it was Daniel."

"Where is he so I can kill him." Anger took over his face as he balled his fists.

"I have no idea I can't find him." During lunch we tried asking people but no one seemed to know where he was. It's been about a month and a half since the first time he hurt them. He didn't do anything else the whole time then one day he just attacks, now he's no where to be found. But it turns out him missing was actually the least of me and Adams problems.

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