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Here's chapter 19 enjoy
(Adams P.O.V)

"You have a sister?" Everyone said simultaneously.


"Wow" Jonah leaned back almost falling off the cafeteria chair.

"So how did she find you?"

"She tracked me down."

"She's 11." G retorted

"She's 12 and a half and she was adopted by a family that has a fair amount of money. She's been reading and using computers since she was 3 so she's really smart for her age. She stumbled on a folder about me and my parents and since then she's been gathering information about me."

"So what are you going to do with her." Hunter questioned

"She called her parents they were fine with her staying with me and Xavier until we have to go off to college I guess."

"What's her name again?" Alice asked


"Where is she now?"

"Her parents enrolled her in a school near here, we dropped her off before we got here."

"What grade is she in?"


"That's impressive." Abby added

"Yeah she's...." I was cut off by the bell.

"Ugh why can't lunch be longer?"

"I have no idea." We said our good byes and I grabbed Xavier's hand leading us to our next class.


The day was over and I managed to stay awake in my classes so that's good. I turned to look at Xavier in the drivers seat and his eyes were slightly closing.

"Xavier wake up, before you get us killed." I laughed

"I'm sorry, I'm just tired."

"Yeah, you didn't get much sleep last night, are you okay."

"Yeah, in fine."

"Xavier, you can talk to me you know that." I said looking into his eyes placing my hand on his thigh.

"It's just that, seeing Amanda reminded me of Alana. I haven't seen her since my mother kicked us out. I miss her so much, she got on my nerves but at the same time I still love her. My mom, she's been calling me, saying she wanted to talk but I just couldn't bring my self to do it." 

"I think maybe it's time you do." We pulled up in front of Amanda's school and she was coming out the doors.

"You go to your mothers and me and Amanda will walk, okay?"


"Good luck, I love you."

"I love you too." I put my hand behind his neck and pulled his lips to mine. I kissed him until I could hear Amanda knocking on the window.


"Bye" I got out the car and started my walk home with Amanda.
(Xavier's P.O.V)

I looked at the big house that I haven't seen in forever. I have no idea how long it's been but I can't say I didn't miss it.

My hand shook as I reached to ring the bell. For a second I almost walked away but I didn't. I could hear the bell echo through the house., the sound of my mothers heels on the floor. The door finally opened revealing my mothers face.

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