Everyone leaves

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Here's chapter 21 enjoy
(Adams P.O.V)

Their lips touched and my heart broke. It was like I could actually hear my heart shattering. Xavier looked me in the eye and all I saw was fear and regret but I couldn't care less. I turned around and just ran. I didn't care where and I ignored Xavier calls. I found myself in front of the house, if you want to call it that. I pulled out my phone and called Dylan but no one answered, he was probably busy with Austin. I called Jonah and he picked up right away.


"H..hey Jonah."

"Adam what's wrong you sound wrecked?"

"I...I.." It was hard to get out the words and Jonah noticed.

"Okay, are you at your house?"

"Yeah." Jonah and the others have visited once before so he should know where it is.

"Okay, I'll be right there." Just then my phone died, discontinuing the call.

I sat there for about 5 min before My blue haired friend pulled up in his black car, I slipped in the front seat and he immediately drove off.

It didn't take long to get to Jonah's, we went inside and he bought me up to his bedroom.

"Now, tell me what happened." He said in a calm voice pushing away one of my tears. 

"I saw Xavier and Daniel kissing." His eyes widened in disbelief.

"Oh my god Adam I'm so sorry." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. I couldn't stop the noises that escaped past my lips.

"Wait..when did this happen." Jonah asked still not letting go.

"Like 10 min ago, right before I called you. I was sitting at home while Xavier went to the drug store. Right after he left Daniel came in and dragged me to Xavier's tree house. Then he showed up and told me to wait in the car. The door was locked so I went back and they were kissing. I saw them and I ran and I'm pretty sure Xavier's looking for me now because he saw me catch them." I explained everything, Jonah rubbing my back the entire time.

"No matter how much I want to call Xavier names and curse him out, I can't. Maybe there's a reason that it happened, we need to hear his side of the story too." Jonah pulls back looking in my eyes.

"I know but it hurts so bad, like someone hit me with a truck. Now all my good memories are tainted with that kiss. I don't know how to face him."

"We both know that Xavier would never do anything to hurt you. Your his whole world, His face lights up like the actual sun when he sees you. He loves you more then he loves breathing. He needs you. "

"I need him too but right know I can't think straight."

"Okay, lets go to sleep and talk about it in the morning. But first I'll go get you my cold medicine because it's pretty evident your sick." He walked out of the room and came back quickly with the pills.

He gave me some sweatpants to wear and we both got in the bed. I feel asleep with only one thought on my mind, everyone leaves eventually.

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