Grandparents (pt.1)

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Here's chapter 11 enjoy


(Xavier's P.O.V)

"So what did you get for number six?" I said looking down at Adam from his bed.


"How, it should be 72."

"No it isn't........wait you're right." I smiled in victory.

"Ha ha ha ha ha " I couldn't help but tease him.

"It's not funny and it's not my fault that we've only been in school 2 weeks and the work is already complicated. "

"It's not your just mad that i'm better at math then you."

He moved from his place on the floor and up onto the bed. He pushed his lips on to mine and I knew it was to get me to shut up but I wasn't complaining. My lips moved hungrily against his as he pushed me on my back completely dominating me. His hands roamed every inch of my hair as I did the same to him. We were finally able to breathe when he pulled his lips away but I was upset about the loss of contact.

"We should probably get back to homework" The fact that he was able to dominate me was so hot. With his hair messed up and him red in the face it made me want to kiss him again but he was right.

"Yeah" He pulled himself off me and grabbed his books from the floor again

"So what did you get for seven?"


(Adam's P.O.V)

"Xavier where are you?" I was woken from my sleep when I heard Xavier's mom. But I was so tired I didn't move or even open my eyes but I did feel Xavier jump off the bed.

"Xavier?" The door opened and I guess his mom walked in.

"What are you doing in here?" His mom asked.

"Um.. me and Adam were doing homework and I guess I fell asleep. "

"Okay but go get dressed and pack." For what I thought.


"Were staying at your grandparents house for the weekend because of your grandmothers birthday."

"Okay." The door closed and the sound of footsteps faded away.

"I know your not sleeping" He said sitting next to me.


"I didn't but I do now." I groaned and I felt him move in for a kiss but I jerked my head away.

"Don't kiss me , I have morning breath." I told him.

"I don't care" He moved in and kissed me anyway.


After a drive that must have lasted like 4 hours we got to Xavier's grandparents house. I could tell that there were a lot people inside by the amount of cars. I started to internally panic thinking about it.

"Adam come on." Xavier gestured me out of the car.

The house was huge and had a lawn decorated with a fountain and flowers. My legs started to shake and I began to hyperventilate. Talking to adults wasn't the problem, its the amount and there kids. I only have six friends including my boyfriend and not everyone our age is as accepting or nice as them.

"It's okay baby, there good people." Xavier whispered in my ear being able to sense my anxiety. 

I took a deep breath as we walked through the doors. There were adults talking, laughing, drinking. There were little kids running around and teens playing video games or just watching.

"Avier" A little kid that looked at most 4 ran to Xavier and jumped into his arms

"Hi Sam" He hugged the boy and then gently put him down.

We walked further into the house and we were then greeted by his grandmother .

"Hello Xavier, Theresa, Alana and I don't believe I have met you." The old women said looking at me.

"I'm Adam, its nice to meet you."

"Oh hes the one you told me about Theresa, he's very handsome and has quite the manners, i think i'm gonna like you." The compliment caused me to smile, she was very sweet.

"Hi grandma happy birthday."

"Thank you" Xavier and his grandmother hugged and proceeded to hug the rest of them. Xavier grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs to our room.

"This is where well be staying" The bedroom was huge, with a king sized bed, a full length mirror, a huge television, its own bathroom and so much more.

"This room is awesome"

"I know right, I always loved staying here." He started opening this suitcases and putting the stuff away.

"You know I can put my stuff away myself." I told him

"I got it,its not a lot of stuff just sit there and be cute."

"That's a challenge."

"You are so cute, stop saying your not."He stopped packing and moved next to me on the bed. His lips came in contact with mine and he was on top of me this time. I could've kissed him for hours but.....

"Xavier, your mother wants you" A short girl with white hair, pink ends and like 5 piercings walked in on us in a very compromising position

"Ohh i'm so sorry"

"Sarah it's not what you think"

"OK then what is it?" She asked slowly

"This is my boyfriend Adam, but no one knows about it"

"So you guys are dating and live together?"

"Yeah pretty much" he answered

"Does anyone at all know?"

"Only Alana and no one can know . Its just not something they probably  wouldn't be ok with"

"Okay I get it, when i did this to myself my parents almost killed me." She said pointing to herself

"That was funny, I was there."

"Shut up, just hurry." She left the room shutting the door behind her.

"That was my cousin Sarah." He told me continuing to put stuff away.

"We should probably get downstairs now."

"Yeah" I was mentally preparing myself for how awkward this was going to be.


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