Cuts pt.1

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Here's chapter 6 enjoy :)


(Warning: this chapter and the next will have explicit talk of self harm. If that's triggering to you I advise that you skip it.)

(Xavier's P.O.V)

"Hey Xavier, mom .." I was woken by my sister Alana walking into my room

"Awwwwww" That's when I realized that Adam was still cuddled up next to me

"Shh Alana come in and lock the door" She quietly let the door shut and sat on the edge of my bed

"Look please don't tell mom she doesn't know about the whole me being gay thing" I said in a whisper

"Does she know he's sleeping here?"

"Yeah but she thinks hes sleeping on the air mattress"

"Okay fine and mom wants you down stairs for breakfast"

"Tell her i'm coming" She got up off the bed ant walked towards the door but turned around

"By the way did you two by any chance.."

"Out" I whisper yelled and she left the room

I turned my head to face Adam and I watched him sleep which sounds really creepy but I did. His chest rose and fell lightly against mine. His eyelids covered his eyes and his blonde hair was sticking up in different directions from tossing and turning last night. . His lips looked so perfect and I could have kissed him right there. While I was looking him over I noticed something. During the night it got pretty hot so we ended up striping down to our boxers. It was dark and we were both pretty tired so I didn't realize the scars. His underwear was hanging pretty low and right above the top were cuts. The thing that scared me was that some of them looked like they might have been recent.

A tear threatened to fall out of my eye but i wiped it away quickly. That's when Adam started to move and made a noise that reminded me of a bunny. He blinked a couple times before revealing his precious emerald eyes to me.


(Adam's P.O.V)

I woke to see Xavier's brown eyes staring into mine. A smile appeared on his lips and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Good morning beautiful" He said with his eyes sparkling

"You do realize that I'm not a girl right?"

"Yeah, then why do I treat you like one?"

"I don't know we might need to change that."

"But I like treating you like a girl"

"Okay fine but at least say that i'm a BOY"

"Your a GIRL"

"I hate you so much"

"I hate you to and I prefer you, my BOYfriend over any girl in the world." he pulled me in and I gladly let him press my lips to his.

"So, I think we should go see if breakfast is ready" I told him when he pulled away

"Okay, but 2 more minutes please?" He begged

"Okay, fine" I snuggled up closer to him and he used his fingers to trace my spine which caused me to shiver

"Do you like when I do that?" He teased

"Shut up, lets get breakfast" I got off the bed and pulled the clothes out of my bag

"I know your blushing" I felt his arms wrap around my waist and he kissed my cheek which caused me to blush harder

"I love it when you blush"

"If you don't stop my whole body's going to be completely red now let me put on my clothes." I laughed at him as I threw my head back on his shoulder. He kissed me on the cheek one more time and we both got dressed and went down stairs.


After Breakfast

(Xavier's P.O.V)

"For someone who doesn't talk to people you sure have a way with adults" I turned to talk to Adam as we walked down the sidewalk hand in hand

"Yeah I don't know iv'e always been good with talking to adults when I had to"

We continued to walk and we finally reached our destination

"I guess were here"


I looked at the house that was in horrible shape. The roof was practically caved in and looked completely unsafe. Adam guided me in pushing the rickety door open. We walked through a living room, past the kitchen, past 2 bedrooms until we made it into the biggest one which I assumed was his. There was a mirror in the corner, a beat up dresser and a mattress on the floor which was the cleanest thing in the room.

"So this is where I live"

"You mean lived" I corrected him

"Are you sure your mom is okay with me staying at your place?"

"I couldn't live knowing that you weren't safe. I told my mom how your parents left you and she was practically in tears. My mom helps anyone when possible which is why I love her. Now stop freaking out it's perfectly fine"

"Okay i'll try" He finally agreed and I pulled him onto his bed.

"Look Adam I want to talk to you about something."

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