Daniel (pt.2)

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Here's chapter 16 enjoy :)
(Adam's P.O.V)

I walked into the crowded store and started picking stuff off the shelves after examining the list. It didn't take to long to locate everything. I paid and exited the store with two bags in each hand. I continued to walk home when I was pulled into an alley. The figure looked at me and then moved forward revealing his face to me.

"Hi Adam." His voice was low and creepy.  

"Wh..what..do you want?" I stammered out, my fear pretty evident

"You are pretty cute, I can see why Xavier likes you." He lifted my chin up forcefully making me look into his eyes


"Xavier's my best friend, he's only ever looked at one other person the way he looks at you." His eyes burned with rage I couldn't do anything but shake.

He punched my chest and slammed me against the brick wall. His fists connected with my jaw then chest again. He pushed me to the ground and kicked me multiple times in the side. I was crying and it was hard to breathe.

I don't know how long he continued but he walked away muttering a "he's mine."

I reached in my side pocket to grab my phone causing me ten times more pain.  After two rings he finally answered.

"Xavier help" I breathed out .

"Adam what happened, where are you?"

"Ally the store." I made no sense but I'm pretty sure he understood.

"Ok babe I'm on my way don't hang up." I heard the car engine start and after 5 minutes I saw him towering over me

"It's okay, I'm going to get you home" I was still crying when he lifted me in his arms and put me into the car.

When we got to the house he immediately took me to the bathroom, locating the first aid kit pretty easily.
(Xavier's P.O.V)

I wiped the blood from Adams face and covered the cuts on his arms with bandages. I removed his shirt and pants, his thighs and chest were littered with bruises. I tried to keep my tears in but it was hard seeing him like that. Sitting there in complete pain. Someone hurt him and I was going to kill whoever did it. 

I lifted him off the sink and bought him over to the mattress. I laid him down in my arms and he buried his head in my neck.

"Shh it's okay I'm right here." I soothed him rubbing circles into the side of his hip.

"Who did this to you Adam?" I looked into his eyes, the question seemed to cause more tears.

"Da..Daniel " My stomach clenched, a lump formed in my throat. How could he do this to me, to him? How could he hurt Adam? Why is he hurting people all of a sudden? After all shouldn't he of all people understand the most? I wanted to know everything but that's not what matters, the only thing that matters is the small, fragile teenage boy with a tight hold on me. Daniel can wait, Adam can't.

I kissed his cheek multiple times causing him to form a small smile. After a few minutes of silence he fell a sleep in my arms once again. I looked down at him and smiled. Even covered in bruises and bandages he was still so beautiful. I could feel his skin against the thin fabric of my shirt. I held him tight enough that I wouldn't hurt him. It took countless agonizing hours before I was finally able to fall asleep.

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