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Here's chapter 23 enjoy :)
(Adams P.O.V)

"Heeeeelooo." I stumbled towards hunter and leaned against him.

"Adam are you okay?"  He questions peering down at me.  

"I'm just dandy." He looked at me like I was absolutely insane.

"Hey Georgia Rose, crap don't tell her I called her that, She might kill me." I laughed and G looked utterly confused.

"Adam, are you drunk or something?"

"No, maybe, yes, no."

"Did you drink the stuff in the water bottle that was in the fridge this morning?" Jonah asked

"Ummm some, maybe." 

"That was my fathers vodka, the idiot puts it in a water bottle to sneak it into work."

"Ohhh, I thought it tasted funny."

"How do you not know what alcohol tastes like?" Abby chuckled

" I don't drink" At least not any more.

" Adam..."

"Oh there's Xavier, XAVIER."
(Xavier's P.O.V)

"Adam are you okay" Adam came running to me tripping and stumbling the entire time.

"Hi Xavier.........haha that's a funny name." He laughed at his own words and his breath smelt like alcohol. 

"Not again...Adam your coming with me." I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the front seat of the car and I got in the drivers side.

"But I have..I have...what year is it?"

"You've missed 2 days of school another one won't hurt."

"What's gonna hurt am I getting a needle, I don't want one." He pouted and crossed his arms I couldn't help but laugh. I have to admit drunk Adam is pretty cute.
Adam finally woke up and he squinted at the light. He rubbed his head and groaned.

"Where am I?"

"In your room, our room? Your in the house."

"Why, don't I have school?"

"Yeah, but you stumbled over to me very drunk. About 20 min ago Hunter called me and said you "accidentally" drank some vodka that was in a water bottle. I told him I'd watch over you. But that's ridiculous because no body can mistake Vodka for water. Also, I know for a fact that you know exactly what alcohol tastes like. Even though you were drunk you still managed to lie to them and make them believe you even though it was the stupidest lie of all time."

"It's a gift." He smirked and then laid his head back down on the pillow.

I looked at him intently and studied his features. His eyes were drained of all color and his hair looked thin like it was on the verge of falling out. All I could think was, this isn't my boyfriend. This boy is even more broken then Adam and it's all because of me.

"I..I'm so sorry Adam." I apologized and he looked confused.

"For what?"

"For this, doing this to you. I never wanted to be the reason you started drinking again. I've spent the last 8 months trying to make you feel like you were worth everything and I'm the one who made you feel like crap and I'm sorry."

"I'm fine." He simply shrugged it off.

"You can fake a smile Adam and your good at it to but I see right through it, you never used to lie me."

"Well that was before you kissed Daniel."

"I'm sorry you didn't deserve that." He apologized a second later.

"Yes I did, I was in shock when Daniel kissed me which is why I didn't pull away immediately but that's not an excuse. That kiss meant nothing, you know I would never do anything to hurt you. I always say that your going to be mine forever and that's exactly what I want. I want to spend the rest of my life holding you, kissing you and telling you I love you. But if that's not what you want, if you don't want this relationship to continue I'll walk away. I'll walk out that door right now and never bother you again and I would completely understand." He examined me now, trying to see if I was joking but I wasn't. If Adam didn't want me then I would never try to force him to.

"Are you crazy Xavier? How could you ever think for one second that I want this to end? You are the best thing that's ever happened to me, I love you more then anything and I never feel safer then when I'm wrapped in your arms. When I saw you kiss Daniel I thought you didn't want me any more. I've been left and broken before and I let my insecurities cloud my judgment. You know me, no matter how many times you tell me I'm perfect I don't doubt that you think that I just don't see it. I thought you finally started seeing me the way I see myself. I was terrified that I had lost you because I wasn't good enough."

"Your way more then good enough Adam. I don't deserve you, no body in this world deserves your heart, I'm just glad you gave it to me." He shifted himself on the bed. So his legs were wrapped around my waist and my arms were around his back. I missed this so much, having our limbs intertwined and just feeling the heat of his body radiating off of him.  

"I missed hugging you."

"I missed it to." I kissed his neck and his lips touched my collar bone. I held him until we heard Amanda come into the room.

"Adam your back." It took a second for us to get untangled but the second we did he grabbed her and lifted him in his arms just like the first time they hugged.

"I'm so sorry I left you after I said I wouldn't."

"You didn't leave me, mom and dad they left, not you. Plus, I had Xavier to watch over me." She lifted her head from his shoulder and smiled at me and I couldn't help but return it.

"Wait why aren't you in school?"

"Let's not ruin this with the talk of school." He just laughed it off and bought her down to the bed so I could hug her to. I really do love that little girl and I love Adam with all my heart.

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