Back to school

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Here's chapter 9 enjoy :)


(Xavier's P.O.V)

"Hurry up boys, your gonna be late for your first day." My mom was rushing us to eat breakfast.

"Ok mom,we can only eat so fast." I said my mouth full of toast.

"Don't talk with food in your mouth."

"Sorry" I said my mouth still full.

Mom just rolled her eyes while Adam chuckled next to me.

"Oh and um Adam honey the guest room is finally cleared out so you can move out of Xavier's room now."

"Thank you" My mom left the kitchen to go wake up my sister.

I was kind of sad that he was leaving my room. I got so used to sleeping next to him, it's going to feel weird without him. But if he continues to sleep in my room then my mom might get suspicious.

Adam got up from next to me and put his bowl in the sink. I shoved the bacon in my mouth and put my dish in the sink as well. Adam handed me my bag and we were out the door.

"So you nervous?" I questioned Adam who looked like he was about to barf.

"Yeah" He said in a duh tone.


"Because Im wearing clothes with actually color in them. I'm definitely not staying hidden in this."

"I let you keep your beanie."

"Thanks"  The sarcasm in his voice was pretty evident. 

"Fine you can change back tomorrow, and theirs nothing to be afraid of, you look so hot." A blush formed on his cheeks. I grabbed his hand and pecked him on the lips before pulling into the school parking lot.

Side by side we walked to the front of the school and Daniel was standing there talking to a new girl. He spotted us and excused himself then ran over.

"Hey guys." I greeted him back and Adam just stood there awkwardly.

"Hey Adam."

"Hi" He said so quietly.

We all walked in to school and greeted our friends,  all except Adam. He didn't like talking to people so he just stood there. After seeing everyone we both walked to my locker and before I could say anything to him he was swept away by some girl. He turned to me with a look of fear as she was dragging him down the hall. I just smiled and and continued to put stuff in my locker.

"So whats new." Daniel ran over and scared the crap out of me.

"God, never do that again."

"No promises, so again whats new."


"Come on i have barley seen you all summer."

"I said nothing, just hanging out with Adam."

"So you guys are like friends now?" He questioned.

"Yeah." He has no idea.

"Oh wait look over there." I turned my head in the direction of where he was pointing. I saw one of my friends, Dylan holding hands with Austin.

"Look at those fag's, it's disgusting"  My breath hitched, it felt like all the air was choked out of me. 

"" I tried to not sound nervous but it didn't work.

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