The day after

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Here's chapter 26 enjoy
(Xavier's P.O.V)

"Good morning limpy" Adam limped into the bathroom rubbing his eyes.

"Shut up, you did this." I laughed and pull him in to kiss his lips.

"Well you left this big hickey on my collar bone." I said pointing to the purple bruise

"Well you left two on my neck."

"Last night was perfect."

"Yeah it was, now get out so I can shower."

"Or we could shower together, like we haven't done it before." His cheeks turned bright red and his eyes widened

"Please, I just want to think."

"Okay, I'll be in the living room." I kissed him one more time before leaving to sit with Amanda.

"Hi squirt."

"I told you not to call me that, I'm not six." She pouted looking exactly like Adam when she did.

"Are you sure?"

"Shut up"

"You shut up."

"Yet I'm the one who's six."

Adam came in about 20 min later with his hair still partially wet. He sat between me and Amanda laying his head on my chest.

"Are you guys watching SpongeBob?" 

"Yes, Xavier wouldn't let me turn the channel."

"Hey, SpongeBob is amazing and I don't trust anyone who says otherwise." I defended

"Whatever you say babe." It was my turn to pout as Adam laughed

"Um, can we talk about what happened yesterday? You both were pretty upset and I think we should talk."

"Well were not the only ones who have to deal with parental issues." Adam responded

"We all have family issues we need to work out and I think now is the time. Things are starting to get better and the only other problem right now is our parents."

"Yore right, how do you say we approach this predicament?" Amanda stated

"As much as I hate this maybe we should invite our parents and Xavier's mom and sister for dinner." Adam suggested

"Do you think it's smart to invite my sister here when we don't know how things are going to go."

"She's the same age as me, plus she's affected by this to." Amanda added

"Okay so tonight?"

"Yeah." Amanda went to set up the dinning room and me and Xavier decided to cook.

I texted my mom and dad and Xavier's mom while he started cooking. We were going to call but we decided it was easier to make a group chat and send one text.

I snuck behind Xavier and lifted up his shirt and grabbed his waist.

"Ahh, Adam your hands are freezing." He said moving out of my touch .

" I know that's the point." I wrapped my arms around his chest and laid my head on his back.

"Are you going to help me or not?" He chuckled while chopping the carrots.

"I'm thinking about it."

"Yeah, just go in the living room and watch TV."

"Okay sure." I turned around to walk away but he grabbed my shirt sleeve.

"Come help me with this."

"Okay fine plus your doing it all wrong."

"What are you talking about?"

"The way your chopping those carrots your going to cut your fingers off." I wrapped my arms around his body and took his hands in my own. I moved his hands to show him how to do it the right way.

"Shouldn't this be the other way around." He laughed

"Shut up and chop." I moved to the other side of the kitchen and admired the beautiful color of the cabinets, the stainless still appliances and the hard stone counter tops.

"Why do you look like your a 3 year old who just saw Santa Claus for the first time." He remarked

"I don't know, because of what happened I never got to relish in the fact that we have an actual house now. 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, a dining room, a living room and a kitchen. None of it's falling apart and it's all amazing. I still can't believe that you and Amanda did this."

"Well we did and we did for you."

"Bu this must have been really expensive, like thousands of dollars."

"Your worth every penny." I placed a light kiss on his cheek and went back to the fridge to grab the other vegetables.

"ADAM" I heard Amanda scream from the dinning room

I walked into the dining room to see a big 10 person table in the middle of the room with a chandelier hanging over it. There was a huge china cabinet on one side with a bunch of glass plates that looked untouchable.

"Why did you call me?" I asked Amanda who was standing on the other side of the table

"Which plates should we use, the blue ones, the white ones with the flowers or the red ones  with the flowers?"

"I would say the white ones with the flowers."

"Perfect because I was going to choose that one any way, just making sure you agreed."

"Of course you were." I turned to walk out but she stopped me .

"Adam are you okay with Mom and dad coming today? you seemed pretty mad yesterday."

"Yeah, are you okay?"

"Im fine, its just you spent 9 years of your life with them. They left you and I know I would have a pretty hard time coping with it, I just want to make sure your okay."

"Ill be fine I promise."

"Okay" she gave me a quick hug and I kissed her on her head and walked back to the kitchen to help Xavier

It took a couple hours but we finally finished everything, the food was cooked, the table was set and the house was spotless. Me and Xavier were in the room getting dressed when my anxiety started to get the best of me. my breathing was cut short and my hands started shaking and for a second I felt like backing out.

"Adam calm down, everything is gonna be fine." Xavier placed a hand on my shoulder and turned me around so our chests were pressed together.

"What if things don't go well what if everything gets worse?" I whimpered into his chest

"If anything goes wrong, I'll be here with you and so will Amanda. That's not going to change ever. I love you so much and I'll be sitting next to you the entire time." His hands whipped away my tears and he kissed my lips and as soon as he did that my nerves calmed down.

Ring Ring

I spoke to soon.

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