Kicked Out

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Here's chapter 14 enjoy
( Adam's P.O.V)

School was horrible but once again it was way worse when we got home. Xavier tried to pull into the drive way but there were suitcases blocking the way. We both got out the car completely confused.

There was a note taped to one of the bags that read...

"Dear Adam and Xavier,
The past couple of months have felt a little weird. It just always seemed like there was something between you two. My thoughts were confirmed yesterday when I caught you two kissing. I love you both but.... but it's a sin. Xavier you can keep your car and your bank account but I can't have either of you in my house anymore. I know it hurts and your sister will be devastated but that's just how it has to be."


Xavier read it out loud with a shaky voice and tears in his eyes. I immediately went to comforting him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he pulled me in closer and held me tight.

"I can't believe this is happening again." I said to myself but he heard.

"It's okay, everything's gonna be fine."

"Xavier you don't have to pretend your okay. I know you and I'm here to help you deal with this."

"I know, I just can't believe she would do this. She didn't even talk to us."

"Even if she did would that have changed anything?"

"No" His sadness soon subsided and turned into anger and disappointment. How could his mother kick us out for something so stupid. You shouldn't just be able to disown your kid like that.

We knew we couldn't stay in the driveway forever. We put our bags in the car. We ended up going somewhere I never wanted to go back to.

As we pulled up in front of the abandoned house the memories just started coming back. We bought the bags in silently and dropped down on the bed. That horrible matress with the broken spring. I've had to live like this for most of my life. Xavier hasn't, I just feel really bad for him. We laid down together, neither of us moved, neither of us said a word we just held each other.

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