Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Introduction

There is only a week until my birthday so I'm trying to make the most of it. I don't want to go to the stupid mating games in London I want to stay right here in plain old Pryor, Oklahoma. Nothing special happens here ever, and I want it to stay that way. I want to be able to stay with my friends. Matt, Izzy, and Bailey. I don't want to go to London next week to meet my mate. I known that my mate will love me, but I'm just not ready for that'll. I can't handle having someone like that in my life right now. My life has been in a tailspin ever since my parents died. The only family I have left is my brother, Brent, and he is the Beta in the Silver Blood Pack, we are one of the strongest packs in North America.

Our Alpha is Maximum, he is very hard on everyone. He doesn't like it when one of the pack members doesn't come to the training. He's ruthless he is determine to be the strongest pack in the world, but it will never happen the way he's trying to go about it.

Anyway today will probably be my last day of school here at my high school because next week is the beginning of summer. Normally I would be excited, but I can't find it in me this year. I hear Iz coming up the stairs, but I refuse to get up unless someone physically drags me out of bed. She opens the door and yells, "Get your lazy ass out of bed right now. Today is the last first day of our school life together and I refuse to be late!"

I groan and roll over.

"Five more minutes." I say pleadingly

Iz just stares at me until I finally get up shower and get dressed.

Iz is crazy in the mornings. Well let’s face it she is crazy all the time. Unlike me she willingly went into the mating games last year and my brother who had been doing it since his sixteenth birthday found her as his mate. We've been best friends since he brought her home a year ago. She is the prettiest of the group I would say she is tall with dark black hair, so dark that it had that blue hue to it. She is super tall with tan skin and bright striking blue eyes.

Matt one of my other friends is a little more chill than her, but not by much. They are partners in crime they get into loads of trouble together. When they met it was like the god of mischief himself made them meet so they could run around and cause as much trouble as they could. Unlike Izzy he is blonde and brown eyed, though he is taller than Iz (but don't tell her I said that).

And last but not least is Bailey. He is the calm one of the bunch. He is there to keep everyone chill and to keep us out of trouble which is really hard. He is kinda like the peace keeper in our little group. He is pretty tall, but not as tall as Matt. He has green eyes which I love and chestnut brown hair that is always messy looking, but it works for him.

Then here I am, I think I got all the recessive genes because I look unlike any other werewolf I've seen. I am short, which is very uncommon. I have dirty blonde hair and my eyes are different colors, one of them is violet and the other is a cobalt blue. No one knows how this happened, but I like it. It just makes me stand out from the others, and I know how to rock it.

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