Chapter 22

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Chapter 22- Bonding

 I looked Jay in the eye with tears still streaming down my face. The emotions running through me were so strong I don't think I could handle it much longer. I feel like I was about to burst with the amount of thoughts and emotions that were coursing through me right now.

"Sophia what's wrong?" He asks me with worry in his eyes.

"Nothing Jay I was just thinking about some things. I need to tell you some things though, and you have to promise not to freak out on me."

"Of course you can tell me anything Sophia"

 "Well I just so you know I am not going to reject you, but I am not one of those people that is just going to fall in love right away and worship the ground you walk on."

I gave him a pointed look while he had a small soft smile on his face.

"I wouldn't expect that from you Sophia. I want to get to know you and do this the right way."

I smile at that, he is perfect.  I know that eventually I will learn more about him and maybe I will even grow to love him. Right now though I have to think of all the other more dangerous and pressing issues,

"Jay I know it's not what you’re expecting, but after the first time we kiss I am going to change. It will be like my first shift all over again, only this time I am going to become a white wolf. The council can't know that I am the white wolf, actually no one can. The only reason I am telling you is because the Moon Goddess told me too and you will figure it out anyways after our first kiss. You should also know that the black wolf, the Rogue King, is after me. The Moon Goddess told me that I have to kill him or else he will bring great harm to the werewolf community and I believe her. I will do my best to stop him, but I need your help, I need you there with me."

Jay looks beyond shocked, his eyes are glazed over a little, and his mouth is even hanging open a little bit. Then his mouth starts moving up and down like he is trying to talk, but it just makes him look like an awkward fish, and I can't help but giggle. His eyes finally become clear and he looks at me with a perplexed look on his face.

"What are you laughing at sweetheart?" he says with a smirk trying to find its way to his face.

"You looked like a very cute fish for a second with your jaw moving like that." I giggle some more at the thought of it then turn serious again.

"So are you going to say anything about what I just told you?" I ask a little nervous of his answer.

"Sophia I will love you no matter what, some psycho rogue is not going to change that, and obviously if the Moon Goddess matched us together she knew I could handle this. This doesn't change a thing."

While he was talking he slowly made his way towards me until he was right in front of me. I had to crane my neck up to see his face and he looked down into my eyes. He puts his arms around my waist and tugged me even closer to him. He leans down as if he was going to kiss me, but seemed to think better of it and touched his forehead to mine and closed his eyes.

I sighed, I knew he wouldn't kiss me until I let him, because of the whole I will turn into a different wolf thing. I just put my arms around his shoulders and snuggle into his chest, not wanting to leave this spot ever.

Jay pulls away and takes my hand, leading me somewhere else, and says, "Well we should get back to the gathering grounds and get registered as a couple."

We both laugh at the way he put that and start walking toward the gathering lands. I lean against Jay and tug my hand out of his to put both of them around his waist, but he has different plans. He grabs me and throws my body over his shoulders. I can just tell that he has a smirk on his face so to get back at him I reach down and let my claws come out just a little and squeeze his butt tightly.

He yelps and jumps up little bringing his hips forward to get away from my groping hands. While trying to get away from my hands Jay lost his balance and started to fall backwards. He turned at the last second so he would get the brunt of the damage. While he was groaning a little I was trying to hold back my laughter, but failed.

Jay focused his eyes on me and pulled me down on the ground next to him. He rolled over so that he was on top of me, and with an evil glint in his eyes he started to tickle me mercilessly. I laughed so hard tears started pouring down my face and Jay started laughing too. He finally stopped and pulled back with an evil smile. I hit him in the arm, but I was still smiling too so it had no effect on him.

He lay down next to me for a minute, then got up and picked me up with him. He was carrying me bridal style now, but I didn't complain, it felt good to be in his arms. I throw my arms around his neck and put my head in the crook of his neck. I breathe in his scent and I can feel him shiver. I smile into his neck and bury myself in his scent. I look up one last time and then fell asleep with the image of Jays smiling face in my head.

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