Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- Runaway

I was laying in my bed staring at the ceiling listening to Maroon 5 after talking to Izzy. I really didn't want to go to London tomorrow so laying there in bed I started to make a plan. I got up and locked my door and started playing my stereo really loudly no one would suspect anything because it's already morning, I stayed up all night thinking about the Mating Games. Whoops. I put, If I Never See Your Face Again, Runaway, Wake up Call, and Never Gonna Leave This Bed by Maroon 5, (because I just love them that much), on replay just to annoy them and because it's pretty ironic in this case.

So my plan to get out of going to London was to runaway to my family's vacation cabin not too far away from the house. I know it's not the best, but it was the best I could do last minute. The good thing about it is that there are a lot of little hiding places that my brother knows nothing about and I'm also going to get my scent masking perfume, this is a pretty good last minute plan if I do say so myself.

I pack some of my clothes and personal items. I don't need a lot I just need enough to last until the Mating Games are a couple days in. It's amazing how much stuff I can fit I to one duffel bag and how heavy it ended up being. I had at least ten shirts, twelve pairs of pants mostly jeans, five pairs of shoes, fifteen pairs of underwear, my scent masking perfume, a couple sweatshirts, my toiletries, my phone, my iPod, my laptop, my chargers, and lastly a lot of books, because I know I will be bored out of my mind half the time. There is no TV and I don't think I would have been able to fit one in my duffle bag with everything else.

I pick up my bag and start running towards the woods and once I'm in a ways I shift into my wolf and grab my bag by the handle and start running again. The cabin is only two and a half hour run away from the pack house in human form in wolf form it’s only an hour run. I run for about forty minutes until I decide I need to stop and get some water and food. Since idiot me forgot to bring food I have to hunt. Once I eat the rabbit I hunted I find a clearing and once I had one drink I couldn't stop gulping down the cool and refreshing water. I drank the water until my stomach felt so full I actually thought it might burst. I decided to lay down so I wouldn't get sick on my long run. Once I lay down I get relaxed by the sounds around me and then my eyes started to droop and I lay my head on my paws and my breathing slows and I fall asleep.

~~~~~ Dream~~~~~

I am standing in this beautiful field of white flowers I'm not sure what kind they are, but they smell and look amazing. The sun is setting Ana it casts a lovely glow over the meadow which makes it look even more breath taking than it already was. I was in a pale green low cut dress with intricate designs and swirls on it, which is strange for me because I never dress up and when I do it's not in a dress especially one this amazing. I take in my surroundings and look around, but stop when I see a striking and sexy man to my left. He is in khakis and a simple green button up dress shirts that matches my dress. When he turns to face me I see his eyes for the first time and I know it sounds ridiculous, but my breath caught when I saw his eyes were the most electrifying green eyes I have ever seen. When he sees me he smiles, which makes me weak at the knees. I try to step forward, but it seems like every step I take the space between us doubles. I stop and stare at him for the longest time until I finally built up the courage to ask his name, but when I try to nothing comes out and I realize that neither of us can talk. I decide to risk it and run to him, but the gap keeps growing until finally I can no longer see him. I walk backwards and lean against a tree feeling like I want to cry when the tree gives out and falls backwards and I fall with it and I'm only seconds from smashing into the ground...

~~~~~ End of Dream ~~~~~

I wake up from my very vivid dream and the first thing I can think of is the man from my dream and I smile at the thought of him, but I'm brought back to reality when I catch a strange scent. The scent isn't a comforting one and frankly it scares the shit out of me at this particular moment in time. It the scent of rogue, but one rogue wouldn't scare me. No it was the twenty rogues surrounding me right now.

Authors Note:

Sorry for not updating sooner, but the last few weeks haven't been the greatest for me and I will update more when I get my new laptop.

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