Chapter 33

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Chapter 33- Explanations

Everything seemed to happen in a blur after that, my brother lunged at a confused looking Jay. My brother punched him a few times before Jay seemed to realize what was happening. He blocked Brent’s punches. I could see everyone else was just as shocked as I was. Max was openly staring at the pair in shock with his mouth hanging open a bit. Diana looked the same as Max. I finally saw Brent’s mate, Izzy looking at them in shock and confusion. They all seem to be frozen in place, just like me.

I finally snap back and yell at Brent, “Stop it! Brent what are you doing? Stop, right now and talk to me.”

I walk up behind him and pull him off, but I guess with my new white wolf powers I also got more powerful. When I pulled Brent off of Jay and he went flying back towards the house. He hit the wall of the house really hard and for a second I couldn’t move. Izzy’s scream brought me back to reality. I looked at Jay and he nodded that he was okay. I ran over to Brent to make sure I hadn’t hurt him badly.

Once I made sure they were both okay I yelled at both of them, “Get in the house now! Both of you, you are not going anywhere until you explain what just happened.”

They both have the look of a kicked puppy as they get up from the floor. They keep their heads down and walk in the house. Everyone else unfreezes as they disappear inside. I walk in behind them with Izzy on my heels. Everyone gathers inside the living room and looks between Jay, Brent, and I.

“Explain, Brent. Why did you randomly decide to attack Jay.” I say to Brent angrily.

“Well he sure as hell knows why I attacked him. He is a stupid Jackass.” Brent spit at Jay.

“I don’t know what you are talking about! I have never even met you before today!” Jay says confusedly.

“Shut up both of you! Now Brent I didn’t want to know that Jay knew why you attacked him, I want to know why you attacked him! Now EXPLAIN!” I yelled at him again.

“I guess I will start at the beginning. When Max, Izzy, and I went away for a while this year we went to the Alpha school to take care of some things. I met him there while Max was talking to another Alpha. This prick thought it would be funny to pull a prank on me and then while I wasn’t with Izzy he started kissing and groping her. Before could do anything he ran off with his little friend’s trash talking me the whole way.” Brent said while getting a bit of blood lust in his eyes.

I looks at Izzy and she nods her head in agreement a little reluctantly. I know that she didn’t want my mate to get hurt or for me to be mad at him, but that didn’t stop the fact that it happened. I look to Jay next he looks really confused. That’s when something occurs to me.

“Which one would be more likely to do something like this Jay?” I ask him trying not to smile.

“What are you talking about?” Jay asks me.

“Which one of your brothers would do something like that?” I ask again.

Jay finally realizes what happened and answers me. “Cane would probably be the most likely to do something like that.”

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