Chapter 26

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Chapter 26- The Next King

When the pizza finally arrives we set it at the huge dinner table. Each set of triplets sat on either side of the table, and their parents sat at the head of the table on one side. Jay sat on the end so I could sit beside him. He puts his hand in mine and I squeeze his hand to show that I’m alright.

Diana put seven large pizzas on the table and swatted all of her children’s and husbands hands away and said, “Ladies first.”, and gestured for me to get some pizza.

I reached for the box labeled canadian bacon and got four slices out. Jay looks at me with raised eyebrows and I just say to him, “Hey a girls gotta eat.”

His mother and I both laugh at the look on all the boys faces as she gets some pizza too. It only took them a few minutes to realize that they could get some pizza after we had finished our first pieces of pizza. Their focus immediately went to the pizza and before the chaos started Jays mom quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me to the empty side of the table.

Just like that everything erupted into chaos. There was shouting, grabbing, eating, and maybe even a little punching, but who knows for sure. Finally everything seemed to clear out and all the pizza was gone, either eaten or on plates.

The guys looked so cute with their cheeks puffed out with pizza. Diana and I looked at each of the boys and then each other and burst into contagious giggles. When we settled down the boys hadn’t taken any notice of us and continued eating.

 When us girls finished all of our pizzas I was still a little hungry, after all I am a werewolf, and looked longingly at the empty pizza boxes. Diana must have noticed my look because she pulled me out of the dining room and led me into the kitchen. She reached into one of the cabinets and pulled out a full box of pizza. She opened it and took out some pizza for herself and then some for me.

I grinned at her and said, “Thank you Diana.”

She smiled back and replied, “Don’t worry honey after living with those boys for as long as I have, I have learned you have to buy extra food and then hide some of it.”

She winks at me and my smile widens. The woman standing in front of me is one smart woman. I think about all the times that she has probably had to do this and then I wonder how she did it in the first place.

“How have you been hiding all your food from the guys for this long?” I ask honestly wanting to know how she does it.

“It’s not that hard actually, they are so focused on the food they don’t even notice when I walk out with some of it.” She shrugs her shoulders as if it was no big deal.

“You are officially my hero, you not only have to put up and care for seven men, but you also have secrets to living peacefully with them too.” I say to her in admiration.

She smiles at me and shakes her head a little and says, “I am honored,” with a little bow to add emphasis.

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