Chapter 34

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Chapter 34- Training

The smell of sweat reaches my nose in the corner of the pack gym. I just arrived at the mandatory training for the pack, though my training will be different from everyone else’s. I look around at each pack member sparring with each other for practice. I see Jay sparring with Max, which is good because I didn’t want him to fight with my brother again. I just don’t want to see my brother and my mate fighting at all. Diana walks over to me, because we obviously have no idea what we are supposed to be doing.

“Are we supposed to partnered off or something?” I ask her.

“I have no idea dear.” Diana tells me.

“Jay! Max!” I yell to get their attention.

In that moment that I yelled Jay looked over and was about to walk over. Max either didn’t hear, which is very unlikely, or he wanted an advantage in the fight. I think it’s say to say that he wanted the latter since he took the opportunity to pin Jay to the floor. Jay didn’t look very happy about losing the fight.

“Max, get off of my mate and come over here already.” I yell at him very loudly so I know that he can hear me.

Max helps Jay get up from the floor and started walking over to us. Jay finally recovered from the fight and stands fully upright. Then Jay charges toward Max and tackles him to the ground. The wrestle on the ground for a while, but eventually I turn my attention back towards Diana.

“Is he always like this?” I ask.

“All of my children are like this. They hate losing and they hate admitting that they lost. I have a theory that they never really grew up.” Diana tells me watching the fight with amusement.

I look at Diana and motion with my head towards them, silently asking if she would help break them up. We walk over to them and they didn’t even glance in our direction. I grab Max by the arm that he threw back to punch Jay and Diana caught Jay by the ear and we pulled them apart.

“What was that for?” asked Max rubbing his arms and looking at me.

“Well you guys wouldn’t stop fighting for two seconds to come and tell us what we are supposed to be doing.” Diana says pinching both of them.

When they both grab their arms and cringe away from Diana I laugh. The big macho boys that were just fighting each other are afraid of Diana and her pinching. They both glare at me for laughing at them, but they deserve it.

“Seriously guys what are we supposed to be doing? Everyone else here is doing something productive and we are standing here looking like idiots because we don’t know what we are doing.” I said to them.

I was happy when they looked a little guilty at not paying attention to us. They then lead us over to a corner of the gym where some weights and toning equipment was. They tell us that we are going to work on building our strength before we start sparring. We both start on the bench press. They start us with just the forty five pound bar, which seems to be to light for both of us. Jay adds twenty pounds to each of them. Sixty- five is apparently enough for Diana, but it still feels to light for me.

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