Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 – The Rogue Alpha King

I sat there, refusing to move, talk, or even look at a single one of them. This is the rogue pack that ripped my parent away from me, which stole the lives of the Alpha pair to one of the strongest packs. These rogues are absolutely horrible, they will kill anybody that even breathes in their direction. They are careless and they don't care what anybody thinks of them and all the packs hate them. I mean everyone hates rogues, but this pack gives them feelings that they don't want to accept and that emotion is, fear. None of them will admit it, but everyone knows they do even the rogue pack, that's what makes them so cocky. The Kings pack won't even interfere that's what makes the situation even worse.

I look around the circle of rogues surrounding me and start to panic for a second, but cover it up before they can see what I was actually feeling. My emotions were all over the place, rage for them being the killers of my parents, fear for them being the strongest rogues, and confusion as to why they want me and why they think I am a white wolf.

I then realize that my brother is coming to get, but even with only twenty rogues from this pack, the number of pack members my brother got to come will never be enough.

"Brent you can't come there are too many rogues for you to handle here", I tell my brother through the mind link.

"What the hell are you talking about we can handle a few rogues. I have plenty of warriors with me including the Alpha.” Brent answered back.

"No you don't understand, these aren't just any rogues, they are the King..........."

I was cut off by Wes, the evil rogue king, injecting me with something.

"Don't want you contacting your pack even though they would never stand a chance against us.” he smirks at me, which just makes me want to punch him and see if he still feels like smirking then.

I scowl at him then turn away. I won't give him the satisfaction of him knowing he was even partially right and I also don't want him to see the emotions flitting across my face, like I knew they would be. I try to ignore them all, but it got hard when a couple of them picked me up by my arms and started to walk in the opposite direction of the cabin. I rip my arms out of their hands and sit back down. I refuse to comply with them or go down without a fight. That was just not something I could do, it just wasn't programmed in my DNA. 

They look shocked that I would ever do something like that. I don't blame them I would too, I probably look absolutely mental just sitting on the ground like a two year old. The Alpha comes up to me again and looks at me like that is supposed to be enough to get me to stand. I just glare back at the idiot, my eyes saying, what are you going to do now jackass. He then looks at me puzzled, again I can understand, but I have nothing left to lose since I'm probably going to die anyways.

He looks at me then to the two men who were carrying me before I sat down.

"Will you give us a moment?" He barks at them then stands in front of me his back facing me until they are out of earshot, which is a long way since we are werewolves.

He sits in front of me and stares at me contemplating something. It most have been something important because he looked very focused and intense. Then he looks into my eyes, his piercing blue eyes meeting my mismatched ones and says, "Do you want to know why I decided, or more like forced, to become a rogue."

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