Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- Breaking the News

When I walked down stairs I saw my idiot brother was eating all of the food. My brother looks a lot like our dad with his golden blonde hair and green eyes, and stands at 6ft.When I walked I to the kitchen almost all of the food was gone and he was still trying to inhale the rest of it.

"Hey you know there are other people in this house that need to eat besides you?!" I yelled.

His head popped up from the food and looked at me for a second then went right back to inhaling all the food. I went over to the table and stood behind him for a second before I slapped the back of his head really hard. He started to cough then took a drink from his glass then turned around to glare at me.

"Why the hell did you hit me?"

"Well maybe it was that you’re eating all the food and no one else has eaten yet!"

He looked down at the food, "I'm the one that cooked it."

I glare at him, "And who cooks it every other day huh?"

He huffs and slides a plate full of eggs, hash browns, and bacon towards me. I smile in satisfaction and start devouring my food. When I'm done I go to the living room and see Iz screaming at the TV.

"You know that Mark cheats on you with your brother! Why are you going back to him after he cheated on you and especially since he's gay!!!"

I raise my eyebrows and wonder what she is watching. I sit down next to her and realize she is watching one of the very dramatic soap operas that are so unrealistic. She keeps screaming until she realizes I'm sitting right next to her. She looks at me for a second then starts watching (or should I say screaming at) the TV. I go back up to my room and get my phone and charger.

I come back down and bump into someone. I look up and see that it's Alpha Maximum. 'Crap' I thought. I look down at my phone, like it would magically get me out of this mess. I take a step back then look back up at Alpha Maximum.

"Sorry Alpha. I wasn't paying attention."

He looks down at me, "Its fine Sophia. I was just looking for your brother. I was going to ask him about the arrangements for tomorrow."

I look up at him in surprise, "What arrangements?"

He looks a little confused. Then says, "The arrangements for the mating games in London we are leaving tomorrow."

"WHAT!!?!” I shout then start running towards my brother’s office.

When I get there I start shouting at him, and for a second I thought I could see some fear in eyes, but it went away before I could call him out on that.

"When were you going to tell me that we were leaving tomorrow for London, or were you just gonna wait until I was asleep and drag me onto the plane? Why do we have to go tomorrow? I don't want to go to this thing much less go early!"

My brother looks at me then sighs and gets up from his desk. He walks towards me and looks into my eyes and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"I was going to tell you when you got home from school today. How did you find out anyway?"

Right then Alpha Maximus came in and looked at my brother apologetically.

"Sorry I didn't know you hadn't told her yet Brent."

My brother looks at the Alpha then me and sits back down, but my anger hasn't died down yet.

"You can forget about! I'm going to my room and I'm not coming out until the mating games are over!"

With that I stomp up the stairs into my room, lock the door and put my dresser in front of it. Right after I get the dresser in place I can hear my brother banging on the door telling me to come out. I just slid down the wall and sit on the floor with tears threatening to poor down my face. I hear a noise by my window and look over at it and see Iz and Bailey standing there with Matt half hanging out the window. Matt falls in and lays on the floor until Iz falls on the floor with him laughing. I can't help but crack a smile at their idiocy. When they get up they all crowd around me then sit down.

"We know that you don't want to go to London, but what's the worst thing that can happen? That you find a mate that will love you forever?" Iz says

"That's not what I'm thinking. What if I go and someone who isn't my mate marks me or they don't like me or approve of me? What if I never find my mate? I don't want a mate right now, but if I don't find him this year then I'll probably never find him. That's what scares me. That's why I don't want to go and that's why I'm not going to go"

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