Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 – Moon Goddess

I was in the meadow again, but this time it's different because that man isn't here this time, no one is. I wondered around since this is the first time I have been here alone. I go to the edge of the meadow right where the forest started. I was about to walk into them when a voice made me jump back.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Sophia."

I turned around to see a beautiful woman in regular everyday clothes. She was smiling at me and her green eyes seemed to twinkle in the sunlight. She walked toward me and took my arm and led me back to middle of the meadow again.

"Sophia it is a pleasure to meet you in person, although I am not too happy about the circumstances that led you to come here again. I want to tell you some things, my dear and it is going to be a bit much to take in, but try to keep an open mind about everything that is happening."

I look at her with confusion and nod, but before she starts talking I interrupt to ask a question that has been bothering me since I saw her here.

"Who are you and how are you in my dream?"

She smiled and answered me, "I am here because you died and this let me come and talk to you. From now on you will be able to talk to me because once you have a connection to the other side you can never lose it, and before you freak out you aren't going to be dead for long, so we don't have a lot of time for our little conversation. As for who I am I thought that would be obvious, but I guess it’s just me and my idea that these situations are always like the cliché movies. I am the Moon Goddess and I am here to tell you about your history and your future."

I stare at her in shock. When I imagine the Moon Goddess I thought that she would always be in luxurious dresses, lined with every gem known to man with a crown made of diamonds. I think I like this better though, she looks beautiful, but at the same time approachable and relatable.

"So what does my destiny have in store for me..." I trailed off because I didn't know what I should call her and I didn't want to offend her.

"You can call me Rose, Sophia, after all I wasn't always the Moon Goddess I just happened to be the first werewolf and the mother of the royal lines."

"Ok Rose what is this great story that you have for me?"

"I will start, but you must not interrupt me, you can ask me all the questions you desire to ask at the end of my story ok?"

I nodded and gestured for her to go on.

"A long time ago when I was getting old and weak I had just had twins. One was a boy, Ethan, and the other was a girl, Maria. Since I knew I wouldn't be long in that world I bestowed upon them the powers to balance the werewolf race and keep peace. When I was performing the spell to do this I hadn't realize that the spirits that allow the supernatural race to live, would take my words so literally.

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