Chapter 14

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Chapter 14- Sweet Water

The first thing I noticed when I walked in was that the only people in there were Max, the Alpha King, and a mysterious, but very handsome man in the middle of the tent talking quietly about something. The unknown man was really tall even taller than the Alpha King which is surprising since he is over 6 feet tall, he also had to different colored eyes that I seem to be drawn to. One of them was green and the other was a deep liquid gold color, and he had dirty blonde hair that looked tousled.

They all turned toward me when they noticed I was there. The Alpha King looked kind of pissed, but when doesn't he honestly. Max had a serious expression on his face with his lips set in a thin line. The mystery man had an indifferent look. Max motioned me over to them and when I got next to him he introduced me to the gorgeous man, "Levi this is Sophia, Soph this is Levi."

Levi held his hand out for me to shake, but when I reached for his hand the Alpha King walked in between us rudely, like he hadn't seen that we were about to shake hands.

"Well now that everyone is acquainted and here, we should start this meeting. Sophia, I understand that you were attacked by the rogues and that the Rogue Alpha himself had an interesting talk with you, so I would like you to share what you learned to us."

We sat at the table with the Alpha King at the head of the table and Levi on his right. Max and I sat down on the other side of the King and they turned to me expecting me to start my story.

"Well when he was talking to me he made it very obvious that he was doing all this to get revenge for the council killing his mate. He told me about when he found his mate and how after that he turned into the black wolf and the council wanted to kill him, but killed her instead and that's about it." I shrugged my shoulders after my brief run through of the story.

They looked at me then each other with confused looks then Levi spoke up, "The council doesn't have the power to make decisions, even if it was true why would they do that? They had no reason to kill a man’s mate, no matter what the reason was."

The King nodded his head in agreement and he looked a bit pissed.

"Is that all he said? Is that the only thing that happened, nothing strange or anything off?" he gave me a glare that said, 'I know your hiding something and if you don't tell me now I will get what I need in another way."

I swallowed the knot forming in my throat and took a drink of the water that was sitting in front of me. I cleared my throat a couple of times then said so quietly they almost couldn't hear me even for a werewolf, "He said that I was the prophesied white wolf."

After I said that they all had surprised looks on their faces and Max was the first to break out of his daze.

"That is not true, your wolf is grey I have seen it with my own eyes. Definitely not white."

"Well if what the Rogue King said was true then it could reveal itself when she finds her mate." said Levi.

The King sat there processing what was being said then looked at me again with a calculating look, "That's not all that happened though is it"

It was a statement, not a question, so I knew I would have to come clean about everything.

"Uhm well, earlier when I almost drowned the Moon Goddess visited me while I was unconscious and explained everything to me, I won't go into all the details, but she said the black and white wolf balance each other out. The black wolfs mate was supposed to keep him in check, but since his was killed he is becoming evil so I have to kill him after I find my mate and turn into the white wolf, and that's pretty much it."

I was looking down at my hands when I finished, but after it had been silent for a minute or so I looked up and they were stunned. The looks on their faces said everything. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. I know that feeling, but it was a little easier to accept when the Moon Goddess herself is telling you. Coming from me not so believable though.

I decide to wait and see what happens and sit there until one of them starts talking again. I take another sip of the water, but this time I seemed to notice a difference in how it tasted. It tasted really sweet, not how water is supposed to taste. I don't think much of it, I just think that someone must have put one of those flavoring packets in it.

I went to get more water when I heard a loud bang onto the table. I thought it was the King having one of his temper tantrums. When I heard a second bang I turned to face him. I was surprised with what I was met with. The King and Max had their heads on the table, it looked like they were sleeping. I looked to where Levi was and he looked like he was about to pass out with the other two. He looked at me and he looked worse than I thought.

I ran over to him, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"I don't know... I am just really tired.... Have to sleep."

After he said that I knew he was about to pass out like the other two, but I couldn't let him. I don't know why, but I couldn't let him get hurt. I remembered the glass of water in my hand and threw it in his face hoping it would wake him up.

He jerked back when the cold water his face, but still looked like he was about to fall asleep. I went to plan B, I drew back my hand and slapped him as hard as I could. It looked like it worked for a second, he stared at me with wide eyes then his head fell onto the table with the other two.

I ran out of the tent I saw everyone outside was also affected by whatever had been happening to the other three. Everyone was on the ground sleeping. I didn't know what has happened and why I wasn't affected by it, but I had to figure out how to wake them up.

I turned to go into the tent when I saw someone out of the corner of my eye. It was the rogues and Wes was walking straight towards me. I weighed my options; stay here and get captured by a wolf that most likely will kill me, or run.

I looked at everyone then realized that he only wants me, everyone here will be safe anyways. That is when I run into the woods and sprint away from everyone. I zigzag through the trees and jump over logs. A few minutes later though I start to feel tired. My eyes were becoming heavy. The only thing keeping me awake at this point was the sound of heavy footsteps behind me.

I see a little opening to cave on my right across from a small river. If I can make it over there then they will never find me. The cave will hide me and crossing the river will get rid of my scent. I run as fast to the cave fighting off sleep. I reach the river and jump into it and submerge myself quickly and hop into the cave and lay down staring at the water while I let the fatigue take over and the last thought I think while the world around me is turning black, is that my water tasted sweet. It tasted like the medicine the pack doctor would give someone to knock them out. 

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