Chapter 15

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Chapter 15- Hide and Seek

I woke up and the first thing I noticed was the rock ceiling above me. I stood up confused, I don't remember anything from yesterday. I try to think back to what happened that led to me falling asleep in this cave, and drew up blank.

I walk outside the cave and walk in the direction that I think the gathering was. I walk across a long river and on the other side I smell the rogue pack, but it was very faint. I change into my wolf just in case there are some of the rogues still hanging around.

I run through the woods, weaving in and out of the trees. I could see the gathering sight when I was pinned to the ground by one of the rogues. I pushed him off of me and he slammed into the tree across from us and fell to the ground with a broken back. I ran a few steps and was knocked off my feet by another rogue.

This wasn't like my last encounter with them, this time they didn't care if I got hurt or not. The Rogue King wants me on his side or no ones. More rogues circled around me and I crouched down readying myself for an attack, and growled at them.

As one of them was about to lunge at me another wolf tackled him, and as if on cue a war seemed to break out. The rogues could tell they were outnumbered and started to retreat back into the woods. I hadn't realized until now that one of the rogues had bitten my leg and you could see the bone sticking out.

Now that the adrenaline was wearing off the pain was so intense. I fell to the side still in my wolf form. The silver wolf that attacked first came over to me and shifted. All I could see were huge feet since I didn't have the strength to pick up my head. The stranger picked me up and carried me to one of the tents.

He set me down on a cot on my back and now I could see that it was Levi. He put a blanket on top of me and turned around, obviously wanting me to shift. I shifted and brought the blanket up around my neck. My leg looked even worse in human form, the bone looked like it could just fall out of my leg now. I whimpered and looked away, if I stared at it any longer I would definitely pass out. 

At the sound of my whimper, Levi turned around and looked at my leg. "Don't move Sophia. I will be right back with one of the pack doctors here."

He turned and walked out of the tent. I tried not to think about my leg, but when the pain is as bad as this, there was no way I could ignore it. I wondered if I would be able to walk again. Even with my fast healing I don't think I will be able to fully recover from a wound this bad.

Levi walked back in with a woman that looked about forty. She rushed over to my leg and pursed her lips then they set in a straight line. She looked up at me and said, "Okay Sophia I will have to reset this and it is going to be very painful because of the severity of the wound. Once I set it I will put a splint on it and the healing process will start and that will also be quite painful. After I set it I will send someone to get you pain medication."

She got everything she would need to set my leg then pulled a chair up by my leg, sat down, and looked at me. "Okay as soon as you are ready I will have Levi hold you down so you don't disrupt it any further."

I nodded my head and Levi stood at the head of the cot and leaned over me and put his hands on my shoulders. I looked up into his eyes so I wouldn't know when she was putting it in place. Levi kissed my forehead then looked at the doctor for a moment then back at me with worry in his eyes.

When the pain hit I tried to scream, but no noise would come out of my mouth. I felt wetness on my cheeks and thought I was crying until I looked at Levi and saw the streaks of wetness they had left on his own cheeks. He looked as if he was in pain too.

Levi let go of my shoulders and that when I realized that I couldn't feel the doctor’s hands on my leg anymore. I looked down and saw the splint on my leg. I saw the doctor in the chair making some adjustments to the splint so it wouldn't fall apart every time I tried to move.

"Thank you..."

"Elaine, dear. And you are very welcome. I will leave you to heal and I will have someone bring you the pain meds as quickly as possible. If you ever need anything just come to me honey, for anything."

She patted my arm and left the tent. I wiped the sweat off my forehead. I looked over and saw that Levi was now occupying the seat Elaine had just vacated. He had his head in his hands. He still had tears falling from his eyes.  I touched his shoulder and he looked at me with sadness.

"I am so sorry that this happened to you Sophia. It never should have happened. We should have been better prepared...”

I cut him off, "Levi this was no one’s fault, who could have known that they had spiked the water with a sleeping draft?"

I told him that they couldn't have prevented any of this, that it was a well-organized plan. I also remembered everything from yesterday at that moment. The pain must have knocked it out of me.

He nodded and kissed my forehead again.

"So after everyone woke up, what happened?"

"Well I was the first one to wake up, I tried to wake the King up and Max. After several failed attempts I went to extreme measures, and let’s just say that there may or may not be repercussions later. Once they were finally awake, we tried to find you, but your scent cut off at a river. We decided that once you woke up you would have tried to come back to the gathering so we rushed back and that's when I attacked the rogue the was about to attack you. The King called for reinforcements and you know the rest."

"I am so happy you got there on time, if not I would have died. Thanks Levi, I owe you big time, if there is ever anything you need I will be there."

He looked at me with an amused smile and said, "I will remember that Sophia."

With that said he walked out of the tent and a few minutes late I fell asleep from exhaustion.

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